No but their executive overlords assigned this to block ads. I cannot believe that an ad company removed ad blocking because of reasons outside of adblocking.
No but their executive overlords assigned this to block ads. I cannot believe that an ad company removed ad blocking because of reasons outside of adblocking.
If they openly support the use of the word, maybe while in said Thai bars, but not anywhere else. I’m personally curious if they don’t consider themselves “trans” or if it’s with the assumption that it means “transwomen.” There can also be from a vein of transmedicalism where they wouldn’t consider themselves “trans” because they aren’t fully transitioning into full biological expectations set by society.
I do remember that, and I remember them half-assing the Donald by just letting them make a new sub (or overrun conspiracy irrc)
They were banned when reddit cracked down on any leftist thought, not because they were especially bad from what I saw.
What is renoviction
OP convenient that your living location isn’t on the list. Maybe start looking inward? If you remove 2/3 of your mass you’d be doing your part, right?
OP looking like
Adblockers work now because they removed functionality, don’t get it twisted.