I dislike it.
Pretty sure my instance blocks it.
I believe it’s counter productive and stifles engagement.
I dislike it.
Pretty sure my instance blocks it.
I believe it’s counter productive and stifles engagement.
If only there were some way you could kind of refer viewers to the primary documentation for the project.
It’s not that it’s uncommon, but slightly different for each project.
I collated library would be kinda cool.
That said, I don’t know how much utility this project would have.
Of course its totally fine to not like a movie, but I wanted to clarify the memory as time travel thing.
I can’t remember where I first heard this, it wasn’t this movie, but suppose humans are oddly fixated on the flow of time. To us the flow of time is immutable we exist in the present and remember the past. What if other races could “remember” things that haven’t happened yet as easily as we remember things from the past.
The movie kinda proposes that learning human languages traps us into this linear / temporal mode of thinking. As in, as children we learn to parse things start to finish and that’s it… we just never do it the other way future to now.
Turns out I’ve done a shit job at explaining this.
As I said, it’s fine to hate the movie. I just thought I’d try to explain this part because I felt like I understood it, although I’m not sure anymore.
My explanation is better:
There’s three doors, of which one is the winner.
First, pick a door to exclude. You have a 66% chance of correctly excluding a non-winning door.
Next, Monty excludes a non- winning door with certainty.
Finally, open the remaining door and take the prize!
This is a common argument in our house.
You’re very willing to surmise what their views on Biden would be, but not Trump?
I’m not asking you to speak for them.
Do you think they would feel relieved that Trump is POTUS?
Do you think Palestinians are relieved that Trump is POTUS now?
Sorry for your loss.
Religion sucks so much, especially the more dogmatic ones. Mormonism is gross.
One insight I would offer is that categorising people as “good” or “not good” may not be helpful. I suspect that your dad probably invests a lot of effort in being a good man, he’s just unable to acknowledge that his perspective has been corrupted.
We judge ourselves by our intentions but others by their actions.
It’s not wrong to never speak to him again, but maybe this will make the mourning easier.
It’s not so much about profiting from the situation but maximising your options.
You don’t want to cash in your 401k and buy gold, but if you have some investments then buying physical gold with 5% or 10% is not a terrible idea.
In a holocaust type situation an ounce of gold in the right palm at the right time could buy passage for an entire family.
We may not have the gold standard anymore but I can assure you that gold remains a stable store of wealth.
It’s also not going to be easier to buy.
Banks are much more reluctant to loan, jobs are harder to keep.
It’s regressive in the sense that poor people spend more of their money on goods and services that include VAT.
It’s also “broad based” in that wealthy people spend more money (in total) on things, and the vendors of those things collect the tax.
For example, if a company in Australia sells a $11m private jet to some asshole, that asshole just paid $1m in taxes.
Said asshole may well pay no income tax by virtue of their ability to disappear taxable income through complex business structures.
My kids are too young to ask questions, but I intend to do my best to give them good thorough answers, including doing my best to find out when I don’t really know the answer.
This isn’t the reason.
The switch is more likely to attract a toddlers attention. Some have little red lights even. It would be false sense of security at best. You can get those plastic blank plugs to stop your kid putting a fork in there.
The switch is so, if you kid is being electrocuted by putting their fork in the toaster, you can turn it off at the wall without having to touch the electrified kid.
I started with gitea but found it difficult to backup. I’ve been using gogs for a while now and find it minimal and easy to administrate.
what do you mean you often switch apps ?
But when gen z gets old they won’t be self interested like every other generation since forever /s.
Sadly, I think you’re right.
It’s absurd that the wealthiest people in the world are making all the decisions that effect the rest of us, especially when they’re using that control to influence the rest of us through social media.
I think the only solution is a revolution where wealth is redistributed, probably through violence.
Bezos and Musks assets should just be nationalised. Give them pensions of 10m a year or something in return.
There’s waaay worse things you can catch.