As someone in the US - I have absolutely zero recognition of the town of Oregon City. All I know about the Oregon trail is a bunch of people died from starvation and dysentery
As someone in the US - I have absolutely zero recognition of the town of Oregon City. All I know about the Oregon trail is a bunch of people died from starvation and dysentery
It sounds like a barebones beef stroganoff
Just a warning, the big factorio 2.0 update and space age dlc are coming out on October 21st. My supervisor is taking the whole week off for it
Because there was no /s - no they didn’t, it’s been around for a little while now. It basically means products or services slowly getting worse rather than better - such as adding ads, adding useless or broken ai to everything, switching to a subscription without adding any actual value. This is almost always done in the interest of maximizing profit as much as possible, at the expense of the users (monetarily and experience wise). Basically, see any major company decisions in the last several years, especially at companies with very large audiences (Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Airbnb, Facebook, etc)
Looks like it’s Goodreads fault since it’s their api (which they are also killing at some undetermined date), readarr is switching to openbooks which should solve a lot of the problems but it’s slow going since readarr doesn’t really have consistent contributors
The only issues I ever had were around authors having a bunch of books that weren’t released or were in different languages, that was solved by narrowing the profiles for what readarr finds which was a 2 minute task
For finding guides and videos - just search for {thing you want to setup} setup guide, there are plenty of results for almost everything. Also, I then showed links to where to setup readarr and qbittorrent.
The only thing you need to get up and running is the OS specific guides (windows is download, run the installer, go to http://localhost:8787/ in your browser, and macos is similar. Linux is a bit of a mess, and I would recommend going the docker-compose route if you are on Linux instead) which are short and tell you every step. The reverse proxy is just a recommended guide for setting one up if you want to access it outside of your network - I don’t recommend doing it, and it’s not necessary at all (I don’t have that setup, all of my stuff is only accessible on my local network)
For finding books, use the readarr quick start guide - it goes over how to use the app, how to add authors and books to grab, etc. I also found this guide that appears to show how to do all of this including the install guide, adding authors and books, connecting to your torrent client, adding indexers, etc:
You basically need 3 things: readarr, a torrent client, and a VPN.
There are plenty of step by step guides and videos for most things, especially popular tools like this. The servarr wiki has install and setup instructions for all of the core arr suite apps as well, both install guides and quick start guides:
Qbittorrent (torrent client) is also easy to install on windows or Linux: . You’re also welcome to pick another one, I just like qbittorrent.
Vpn installs vary from vpn to vpn, but pretty much all of them should also contain step by step install instructions
Readarr + calibre makes it very convenient and easy (the rest of the arr suite is great for other forms of media too)
Well yeah, assuming you can install it on all devices you would want to use, and that it lets you use network storage, and that the app doesn’t conflict with other apps using the same network storage. A lot of apps don’t have a specific app for Android, Apple, Linux, macos, and windows because that’s a lot to build and maintain. A deployed webapp works on any device with a browser, and you don’t need to configure every device to use the same networked storage.
Control over your own data (if you mean regular program as cloud apps), or accessible on multiple devices and to different users if you mean an offline computer app
Highly recommend getting a pizza steel (a pizza stone works fine too, but a pizza steel is where it’s at) and making pizza from scratch. Initial cost of the steel, then after that pizza just costs a few bucks in ingredients to make quite a few very tasty pizzas
Yep it’s still chill. The war just started so I’ve spent the past 2 hours driving materials from my regiments stockpiles to the Frontline, eventually partisans (enemies behind the Frontline) took out my truck so I flagged the location, next time I drove through they were all gone and I kept delivering supplies. Even if you mess something up in logistics, no one is going to get mad at you. It’s competitive in that each team hates each other, but largely unless you start trolling or team killing people are positive.
If you do end up getting it I can help ya get started learning stuff if you need
The next war in foxhole starts today, it’s a war MMO and I highly recommend it. No subscription (one time $30 purchase on steam), no microtransactions, no paid expansions, no cosmetic bs, grind is optional. New players are in the same spot as veterans, all resources are shared (regiments/people can have private stockpiles, but they decay after 48 hours of being inactive) and are all made by players. You don’t get anything for making or transporting supplies except for the joy of supporting the war effort - which is good because if no one made supplies, no one could fight.
Want to chill? Mine scrap and make basic materials, throw in your nearest seaport for anyone to take (or put in your regiments stockpile if you’re in one). Or transport supplies from far backline stockpiles to Frontline/closer via truck, train, or boat. Or drive supplies to the Frontline, just make sure you have a gas mask and radio! Or make bullets, medical supplies, or anything else in the game at factories. Or trucks, cars, boats, tanks, trains, etc.
Want to plan? Either start building up production centers at the start of the war, rebuild them as we take land, or build defenses in the backline or on the front.
Want to fight? Get on a ship crew in an artillery gun and listen to your captain to tell you when and where to fire. Get in a tank with a crew and go balls to the wall on the front line. Grab a gun and some supplies and charge into trench warfare. Mortars? Yep. RPG’s? Yep. Want to be a doctor? Move with friendlies and fix them up when they get messed up, or carry them back to your hospital to get new supplies for people to spawn from.
Want to be sneaky? Sneak past the Frontline and sabotage their logistics people or buildings.
Want to be a gigachad? Join the wardens now.
Pickling and canning is better than refrigeration - until opened
My CTO thoroughly believes that within 4-6 years we will no longer need to know how to read or write code, just how to ask an AI to do it. Coincidentally, he also doesn’t code anymore and hasn’t for over 15 years.
Quick note, duckduckgo has a free alias email forwarding service and it integrates with bitwarden
My maternal grandmother - extremely nice and sweet, died of breast cancer when I was a kid so I don’t remember much else about her.
My maternal grandfather - convicted for soliciting an underage prostitute (undercover cop), that’s all I know about him and it’s enough. Not sure if he’s even alive.
Paternal grandparents - psychotic religious fanatics (burned our Harry Potter and Mickey the sorcerer books while babysitting when I was a baby, killed multiple of my dad’s pets growing up, etc). Have only seen that grandmother when the grandfather died and at a Christmas party a month later - still psychotic and super rude.
My parents - nicest people you’ll ever meet, I have basically no bad memories from being raised (except my dad only makes broccoli and cauliflower by microwaving it)
… The consequence of being put in a for-profit slavery prison?