That was a very puzzling casting decision
That was a very puzzling casting decision
My main worry is the glorification of illegal intelligence activities, contradicting the message of Deep Space Nine. If the movie can handle that barrier, fun and silly sounds great.
Maybe the -B will get a cameo in Section 31
Contract thing? Is it because Notaro was only a guest star on Discovery do the five year renegotiation rule doesn’t apply?
Doctor Who keeps going back to Tennent the way Star Trek keeps going back to TOS
You’ll never want to eat one again
Excited for these, though appreciate the binge model means you’ll have a lot on your hands
Is that a blonde Klingon?
Maybe it IS Murf. Our stretchy boy ended up on the wrong side of the tracks
The writing of Kirk in SNW is fine but I just don’t think the casting is right.
Actually good regulations targeting the most manipulative of game designs.
Though there has previously not been any canon Chalnoth ships, the design here appears to be based on the ships seen on the cover of DC Comics’ “Star Trek: The Next Generation” #61, published in 1994.
This is really fun, I don’t think TV Trek should stress about “beta canon” but in instances when it can be used it’s nice
I am not enjoying this series sadly
I know it is low budget but does the humour have to be so Family Guy?
Ohhh he’s the Speeding Bullet 2 Heaven Guy! This makes a little more sense now.
I need to listen to Kids See Ghosts, meant to be a classic, but Kanye is very offputting nowadays
I mean someone will create one anyway I think so why not have a pinned one?
Prodigy gets more star treky later on and actually has the most coherent season arc of the Kurtzman era (it introduces an actually interesting new species)
I like a goofy team of eccentrics but I have no idea why these people would be hired by an ultra secretive espionage agency. Did Zeph even get to punch anything in the end? Quasi really had very little to do which is a shame.