Yep, the whole thing was projection. You’re complaining about toxicity in comments and yet you are exuding toxicity with every word.
Maybe instead of stopping reading, you should actually read and respond to it honestly instead of deflecting back into ad hominem attacks. If you are able to actually put forth an explanation defending your position instead of attacking me, then we could have a discussion about it. What was snide about that comment? What strawman did I make? As it stands, you’re just doing what you’re blaming everyone else of doing.
Walkable cities are even better. I used to drive daily and then I moved close enough to walk to work with conveniently located grocery stores. Didn’t drive much at all for years and THAT was convenient. Never sit in traffic and just stop in the store and pick up a few things on your way home from work. As long as I have to be working that is as close to livin’ the dream as possible for me.