Here’s hoping we see a response.
Mentally ill woman, adult, works for DIDDs (US).
I’m here to help!
Here’s hoping we see a response.
10/10 name! Are you a Name Rater?
Love that the blood is represented.
Period poops finally getting their horrible, horrible time to shine.
I really wish this was labeled with a warning. Scared the hell out of me.
I’m a pokemon breeder. You never get to fight me because I’m always telling you whether there’s an egg or not, but if you got to see my perfect IV, perfect EV, perfect nature team, every single one is shiny.
And a side effect of all that needless effort is that I’m frickin loaded.
My appearance is the Alolan girls’ (braids, cowboy hat, overalls).
Need a better, less kinky name for me though.
I’m in awe of the pylons.
Be good to you, friend. Hope we cross paths elsewhere.
Out Cold, holy shit. What a deep cut.
jaunty whistling
Yes! Exactly! That guy is a prick!
I hope Davy is fulfilled and happy with his choice of career and he really needs to stop putting bread in The Piano Man’s Jar!
Yes. Exactly.
The thing is, the guy? The character of The Piano Man? He’s a fucking dick! He spends the entire song singing about every single person in this bar, boiling them down to one or two of their least desirable traits- which, by the way, he’s obviously been playing at this bar long enough to get to know all of them well enough to boil them down!- and then he sings about how great he is and how he’s the only joy in their miserable little lives!
I want to get the waitress who’s practicing politics, the men sharing a drink they call loneliness, the businessmen getting stoned, and we are gonna write a song called “The Piano Man is a Fucking Dick Who Thinks He’s Too Good to be Here!” Fuck that guy!
The song The Piano Man fucking sucks.
What a fantastic resource!
I want this on a shirt.
One thing I think people need to understand is that ‘Tex-Mex’ should not be considered a goddamned insult. Texas has a deep history with it’s relationship to Mexico, and Texas is fucking huge.
To put it in perspective, go look at a land size comparison of Texas and the entire UK. Texas is bigger. On it’s own.
So to expect it to not have it’s own culture and it’s own cuisine is stupid as hell. Now, if we want to discuss which we prefer… that’s a different conversation.
And to ask me if I want to live there? The answer is a resounding “hell no.”
The thing is… do they? We don’t know that they’re actually referencing anything at all. I always thought that, once you got the vibe, you could contribute to the conversation with the phrasing and use the implied story of the phrase for the context.
I might say to you, “Kyle, when Janet left him.” You don’t need to know who Kyle or Janet are to infer that this might not be a good thing. Alternatively, I might say that, and mime like I’m wiping sweat from my brow as of relieved, and it might change the meaning.
We have no real way of knowing what history they might be referring to. Or if there even is one.
I’m sure Riker would be interested in observing this mix-up. He seems like he might be willing to boldly go.
To add to this;
The first time I played SDV was right after the death of a family member. It provided me with an insane amount of comfort.
Every time I find myself loading it up I look at my life and realize I need the peace. It’s an insanely positive influence in my life.
I have to say, I suspected this. Being honest. I said to myself, “What could run off Stamets,” and that’s exactly what I came up with. The benefit of being closer to 40 than 30 I guess.
Now to join your community. Thank you genuinely for commenting here for me to see directly. I’m not good at creating content (every time I ever got a burst of creativity on reddit I was banned for posting too much so I just stopped making memes) but I comment like a sumbitch!