Technically even the time we did it only officially after the fascists declared war on us first. It was all lend lease, etc before that.
Technically even the time we did it only officially after the fascists declared war on us first. It was all lend lease, etc before that.
I use 2 matching Synology NAS systems. 1 backs up to the other daily. Then one of them backs up to Synology C2 weekly.
You mean a free extension that claims to give me discounts seemingly out of the goodness of their hearts that also has access to every website I go to in the browser where it is installed is not exactly on the level? I’m shocked…well…not that shocked.
Phones are becoming less and less interesting by the day.
Once they get to the point were all of the options that don’t require incredibly inconvenient sacrifices in functionality to maintain the interesting stuff like a video game console then that will kill interest in the market for me.
If I can’t do anything besides basic smart phone crap I might as well just buy whatever has a good camera once every half decade or so and be done with it. So whatever top end thing Samsung or Apple are putting out.
I’m not sure Google has fully thought through what it means to just be a worse version of what Apple puts out, but with more ads.
Right along with story points.
Not meant to be a measurement of time, but of effort. But everyone ends up using them as a measure of time because that is what the MBA at the end of the tables wants.
Because the know the people that buy it either are stupid or have no choice (in the cases of the few that actually have to eat those kinds of diets for health reasons).
Mine stays on 24/7/365 unless I am going to be out of town.
Because they are more concerned with the fact that devs aren’t making the games for Linux natively in most cases than they are with if you can play most games on Linux.
All of these types are articles always leave out the calculations of what your time is worth to you and the maintenance costs of spare hard drives and other equipment. The TCO is not just the initial investment in hardware/software alone. Unless you plan to host something unreliably and value your time at nothing. In which case I hope you don’t get friends or family hooked on your stuff or everyone will have a bad time and be back to Google Drive/Docs and Netflix within 5 years.
The reason they leave it out I feel is because once you factor all of that stuff in the $10/month your paying for Google Drive storage or the ~$25 your paying Netflix starts to make a lot more sense when pared with a decent local backup from a Synology NAS for the “I can’t lose this” stuff like baby pictures of your kids. Which blows their entire premise out of the water.
And here I thought I had a lot of hdd platter coaster’s.
Hey, mine loves to talk up her blue ball cure.
I’m with you on that. VIM is a good example of a tool that the deepness of the tool makes it aggravating to use for the 90% of simple use cases.
Unless you use VIM enough for the shortcuts to be second nature it is faster to install Nano, make the changes, and remove Nano than it is to use VIM.
A lot of my personal dislike for VIM would be done away with if it just had a helpful common keys cheat sheet (basic cursor navigation, edit mode, exit with and without saving, etc) at the bottom of the editor window like Nano does.
Because a big part of their voting base are busy body Christian evangelicals who think what Facebook tells them the Bible says is how they should vote. And the Republicans, as you pointed out, want to win so they will do whatever makes that large voting block happy.
You should look up Lee Atwater if you haven’t. He was a big player in the 80’s and early 90’s in Republican politics “going negative” with twisted truths to work groups such as them up into a teeming hive to win elections.
Those were actually on different lines when I wrote that. Weird.
I just bought my own hardware and loaded PFSense. Put the ISP modem in bridged mode to disable all of their nonsense.
I set the DNS servers I want in PFSense and that filters down to everything on the network.
I wonder if I could rig up a bidet that would play Africa by Toto while it washed my backside.
Putting new tasks down to get to them later at work when I see something I had not planned on doing. Just make a ticket and throw it in the backlog. It is amazing how those little 5 minute things can eat into the work you said you were going to be doing now.
Also, "the Scotty principle ". Basically always say something will take longer than it will.
I use Joplin. They have a sync server you can host for yourself.