Shrek 2
tired tired tired
Shrek 2
He has explicitly stated that the main GN channel will have no more drama. It goes to the website or the consumer advocacy channel. He and his team are still doing reviews and other contentt that is well worth watching if you care about the topic.
I’d suggest Bottles for managing wine environments
Put them in a raidz2 situation
You don’t control a movie, those two aren’t comparable
if youre doing homework, i recommend writing out truth tables for the statements and comparing, gives you a bit more insight into the statement truth conditions
Are you downloading to an sd card? If so, that’s the issue, steam downloads to ram and then has to wait for the sd card to write the already downloaded data.
My next idea would be to try connecting to the internet using a usb c ethernet adapter of some kind. Is this only the steam deck, or are other steam clients on the same network affected too?
ebay has cheap intel gigabit nics which i havent had issues with
what if the uk colonised europe