On my phone. (In serious, the link to the picture is in the first comment of this thread)
On my phone. (In serious, the link to the picture is in the first comment of this thread)
Start a large pot full of water…
Add two small cubes of bouillon…
Turn up the stove so it boils…
Can you, pasta lover, can you picture this?
Read the instructions.
Sell it to a space agency that promises it to use it as a wormhole.
It needs to be aimed at our moon (Selene) and an exo-dwarf planet.
“Do the unthinkable” => Think for themselves
Desperate measures => sovereignity
unclear real winners => China, Russia, communists
Things could change => Reality is setting in for the Anglo-imperialists that they’re no longer in the front seat and with Euro vassals that they’re not even in the car anymore, China is.
Now let’s look at the desperate measure options…
Announcing that you’re willing to quit NATO… Oh heavens almighty!! Such strong words!!! Clearly the biggest measure in world history. It does not compare to “fighting for Ukraine to the bitter end”, meaning to the last Ukrainian, or “Russia’s SMO is soft term for full-scale invasion” in terms of strongness.
But at least the author is willing to admit that the EU is licking boot and doesn’t seem to mind giving everyone the impression that it is, it’s just the rejection it got was a kick in the face to him. The EU is not being kicked in the face though. That happened when the Nordstream pipeline blew up.
The new sheriff in town just isn’t interested in pouring money into a losing war when its two pillars of exploitative power created in the 1970s is under threat. And fascists don’t align with imperialists. Fascists want full direct control or no control at all.
Except for two issues. One minor and two major.
The minor one is the fact that it requires to throw out every European politician but a handful of socialists and nationalists out of office, starting with Ursula von der Leyen.
The first major one however is the fact that the EU recently burned all bridges with Russia, with all the natural gas now being sold to China.
The second major one is that China is the country that’s rising to the top and gaining cultural influence. Russia has no cultural influence. People are even still hating on the EU and wanting their powerless nation to lick US boot only because the EU has no cultural influence, despite having zero diplomatic trade power otherwise.
Africa will develop its economy, so any immigration problem will be of people leaving the EU. Wealth from solar power will arrive there like a Ne Zha sequel on the world stage of cinema. Sudden.
Praising China will become very popular soon as China’s cultural power is skyrocketing, but the EU has already slavishly followed a distant nation around.
We’re also likely to see war between the US and China. Do we want to go to arms with those who prefer option 4?
Wait it out and let US fascism take over. It’ll get worse, but I don’t see EU culture and politics going anywhere than licking more US boot.
That the EU was morally better than the US. The posts got longer and longer. I gave up after realizing my latest post would be over 4000 words long.
The core complaint is for femwashed stories, where the male lead has been replaced by a woman.
It’s very similar to Hollywood movies taking movies from Japan or China and then turning the Asian lead to a Euro-American.
The level of hatred for this type of content is very strong as it feels like a farce or fraudelent, like someone is trying to sell you a fake designer brand item. Everything that made the item great is absent in the fake one.
On top of that, there’s a clear fascist takeover in the US from the rainbow liberal, evangelical and social capitalists. Fascists have weird superiority and inferiority complexes including towards women. But don’t worry, Chinese movies will become popular soon, so both sides of the US political aisle will have to adjust.
Kids have gotten more respectful to their elders in my opinion.
Considering the Bowling for Soup’s song 1985 from 2003,
I’d say around 2013, which makes Bowling for Soup also classic rock.
To list of things anything you could want:
Die Linke is far left? I thought it was just normal left.
I’m going way way out against the standard model here.
No spacetime, no dark matter or dark energy, not even photons.
Just a ‘3D big ball of yarn single object universe’.
If light is a ‘turn of the “stick”’, then gravity is how ‘the “sticks” are binding the atoms together’.
And so there would not be any gravity waves.
And any measurement of them would then have nothing to do with gravity.
And gravity is instantateous, and if not, really really fast or planets and stars would slingshot themselves out of orbit.
If you’re openminded enough to listen to those who disagree with the standard model,
take an elastic band and turn one end. Instead of the band turning, you’ll have a twist in your band
and it takes time to unravel the twist if you let go on the other end.
That’s what will happen to the stick and this travels at lightspeed,
because this is how light works. Light works like ‘the stick’ in your example.
And if you try turning it faster the ‘elastic band’/stick/‘atom on the other end’ starts breaking.
If you need FTL communication, then use gravity…somehow.
I’ve got one, but does it have to sell outside the EU too?
I don’t know if he was the most awful person I ever knew, but in the 45 minutes I’ve known him, he talked about his trip in Thailand that was all about drugs and women in a disturbing manner. He offered me to play throwing giant switchblades at a dartboard, which I accepted, not wanting to appear rude. Porn was playing and bags of white powder were laying around on the coffee table while we wrecked the dartboard completely. I can’t recall but I think there were also pictures of people on them to which he said that it would make the game more interesting. He then showed me the rest of his apartment. I thanked him, told him that I would need some time to think about becoming his roomie and would call him back and walked out of there never to return there again.
Didn’t call the police or mentioned this to anybody and thankfully never saw him again, so no idea.
Best representation of what the US is all about in history.
I hope to see more of it and the EU slowly wising up.
Of the US?
Jonathan Nez,
but only if he were given carte blanche power.
I’ve had close to 0 social life in high school and the first year of college.
What turned me around was joining a board game club.
What I’ve learned from this experience is that everyone
has a minimum and maximum amount of time and slots for friendships
and newcomers are the ones most likely with empty friendships slots.
The most vulnerable will be hit the hardest.
less problems
We EU citizens are on the verge of collapse as we’re about to starve the goose laying the golden eggs,
the German car industry, in favor of US subservience.
There are 0 attempts to save VW, BMW and Mercedes from Tesla, while walls are enacted against BYD and other Chinese car companies.
I try the same password and expect a different result.