If your country starts supporting Russia, the whole fucking world is going to be very puzzled if you’re not rioting by that point.
Maybe take some lessons from the people who gave you the Statue of Liberty.
If your country starts supporting Russia, the whole fucking world is going to be very puzzled if you’re not rioting by that point.
Maybe take some lessons from the people who gave you the Statue of Liberty.
Water based lube.
It’d have to be a communal bath though, and I’m inviting you all, even Hairy Steve.
Fascinating thank you
Yikes. Struggling to imagine the practicalities of that eg how does the fibre not snag, how much does it weight etc but if it works, then Godspeed to them.
what use does that have? Battlefield comms?
Can’t say the same for sneakers I’m afraid. I reckon the longest lasting shoe of that kind were a pair of Brooks that I maybe got 3 yrs out of.
Edit: or my Vans but I obviously don’t put them through all weathers.
My dad let me into a little secret (which I found out to be fairly common knowledge) about shoes.
Buy Italian, they last longer and the handmade ones can easily be repaired.
My dress shoes have lasted for over 16 years now, and I can’t remember how long I’ve had my Scarpa boots for, I’ve got 3 pairs, and they’re nowhere near wearing out.
Hive mind strikes again. (You beat me to it dammit)
I have to agree here.
You need a sense check on your comms.
Possible Autism or not. You alluded to it in another comment about you possibly being mistaken for AI in your letters.
Sadly, masking may need to be a strategy you play here, for a while.
If you share they’ll know it’s there.
Typing that out seems so obvious it’s incredibly stupid, and yet…
Tag it to frag it.
(Or tag’n’frag, as a descriptor)
I used to love your card games before you got all political. Your mom used to love you before you got so fucking stupid.
So I herd.
What a cracking summary! Thanks.
Please do share the instructions once you get it up and running.
Thanks for taking me on a search journey… to appreciate Beth, and Portishead beyond Dummy. Please do recommend any specific highlights. I’ll be going through their (and her) albums now.
SmokeyDope’s Law