His ideas don’t look plausible to me at all. It sounds like he just wants attention.
Perhaps read the book first? I’m sure it’s available from piracy sites if you don’t want him to have your money. Ignoring a thing you disagree with initially is a great way to never improve intellectually.
That’s how Vietnam+USSR won against USA and how Afganistan+USA won against USSR. Just keep doing it until somebody who understands sunk cost fallacy pulls the plug.
The bad part about this particular war is that taking Crimea involves a lot of offensives, which are notoriously difficult to pull off. Especially if the enemy is fortified in. But then again, it did work against USA in Vietnam so why not here.
If they could just get that bridge… keep pummeling various targets inside Russia, Crimea, everywhere until they’re spread out so thin that a massive strike at Kerch Strait gets through.