politics: green/libertarian

geo: anti-r***ia, anti-religious extremism, anti-fascist, anti-trump

gaming since 1986

linuxing since 1996

psych: drinking too much coffee, wasting too much time and energy in here

  • 20 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023

  • That’s how Vietnam+USSR won against USA and how Afganistan+USA won against USSR. Just keep doing it until somebody who understands sunk cost fallacy pulls the plug.

    The bad part about this particular war is that taking Crimea involves a lot of offensives, which are notoriously difficult to pull off. Especially if the enemy is fortified in. But then again, it did work against USA in Vietnam so why not here.

    If they could just get that bridge… keep pummeling various targets inside Russia, Crimea, everywhere until they’re spread out so thin that a massive strike at Kerch Strait gets through.

  • I mehhed out on Outer Wilds because of Brittle Hollow and Hourglass Twins. Great game certainly, magnificent atmosphere, clever-in-a-good-way plot and premise, just not quite for me. Watching my daughter play through it was more fun than playing it myself.

    I thought about playing the good and bad endings of Undertale, but it started to feel like work so did not. Plus I estimated that the Sans fight would’ve made be break something.