know the feel. even funkier with ssh/scp and the like with every other tool using a different case argument for the same
that’s how we learn and grow, i guess 🤷
know the feel. even funkier with ssh/scp and the like with every other tool using a different case argument for the same
that’s how we learn and grow, i guess 🤷
happens to the best. if fail2ban were any more resiliently engineered it would have failed to start due to the error in the config file
not everybody is able to feel empathy as much as others do. and since i doubt that one can learn it all i can encourage you to do is learn how to integrate socially without offending too much
i don’t. do you really have to get up at 5!?
coupled with communism it’s the real shit
“i’d like to get to know you”?
optionally with a not-sure-how-you-meant-it compliment, like: “i thought you were likable”
more like #4 considering the hexbear duplicate
could you at least say what you are quoting when using citations for your argument?
that being said: collective ownership of the means of production (what socialism means) is a direct contradiction to nation-states as long as these are unable to reflect the collective will within their structures.
what you refer to as
real life versions of communisms are in fact attempts to establish communism by communist parties within their respective nation states. communism has bever been reached - and none of these parties in power ever said that they had.
the way you use the word (associating USSR, China, Cuba, N Korea with communism) is the result of cold war propaganda. more accurate terminology for these (horrible!) dictatorships would be authoritarian regime with state-monopolized capitalist economy.
all summarized communism is an ideal economy where each gives what they can and gets what they nees, where necessity is at the core and not the accumulation of wealth.
i think you already have a bunch in the OP - just choose what fits best and add what will cancel misinterpretations of your words.
does it have to be a single word?
so… what is it? is it really safe to try?
what is DataBackRibs? please link your community, now i’m curious
how economic wealth is created (and what it actually is)
you can promote your community by responding to relevant posts or comments.
say you create a community for ducks and mallards, then you can go to the birding or wildlife communities and tell people posting there about your awesome new place
below relevant posts and comments is usually a good place for such hints
won by whom!?
quite a lot to unpack here