People ask you your medical history during job interview? Where do you live?
(Also did you get the job?)
People ask you your medical history during job interview? Where do you live?
(Also did you get the job?)
I think most people absorb a puritan idea of “removed” from society. Even like liberals, queer people, and sex nerds (people into kink) will have a version of this. For the right, it’s usually a very misogynistic idea about how female sexuality and anything gay is evil. And this is usually what makes conservatives want to quit porn, though sometimes they won’t admit it and they’ll talk about like their essence or whatever.
So like you don’t need to quite porn for the right reasons, you can just do it. But maybe spend some time thinking why you want to do it, and if it’s because of some idea of removed or shame then you should also think about it you really want to hold those ideas, because they will ultimately make you just as miserable as the porn did.
idk if being annoying is against the rules of your instance but it def should be
The link is broken. It tries to save the page instead of showing an already saved version.
Huh, do you have any cultures in mind?
Most people hate this. It’s just impossible for the average person to do anything about it because very few politicians support changing the current system. In the 2020 election for instance there were like 2 dem candidates and 0 Republican candidates who wanted a public option for health insurance. Nationalizing the whole thing, NHS style, is completely off the table.
The American economy is built in a very specific way to make certain things cheap and certain things very expensive. The cheap things are gas, toys, commodities, clothes, unhealthy food. The expensive things are education, good food, healthcare, and, in certain areas, housing. That means there are a ton of Americans who live extremely precarious lives, where losing their job would be the end, but they still have a higher level of material comfort than many people would in other countries.
The other thing about the American economy is that wealth is extremely biased towards older people. For a long time, the system was built around normal working class people buying a house, and building wealth through that. As long as housing prices went up at a controlled rate, everybody slowly got richer. Now, older people own most of the houses. Like I grew up in a small town that was sort of the ideal American dream neighborhood. There were a bunch of other kids on my street, including some good friends. We rode the bus together and spent the weekends hanging out in my friend’s loft. Now, when I go back there, there’s like one family with kids on the street, and everyone else is a retired couple in a huge house that they don’t really need. They have no particular incentive to move out, because it would be expensive and they’re comfortable.
So if you’re a younger person without in-demand education you really are extremely poor. 5k could really improve your quality of life by letting you get some dental work or something. Although the unemployment rate is low right now, companies are able to collude to some degree to keep entry level jobs precarious.
Obviously things are worse in red statea, but poverty is a constant in America. The only reason rich dem areas seem rich is because they force all the service economy workers who make their lattes and teach their kids to commute hours into work every day.
As long as there’s a neovim extension
Suburban car culture. People can go on and on about the how they like driving, and like the freedom to drive everywhere, even if it makes them fat and lonely. But what about their kids? It’s insane that kids are essentially trapped at home unless a parent happens to have the ability to drive that somewhere. Your convenient lifestyle comes at the cost of raising neurotic introverts who won’t go outside.
The Iron Heel by Jack London is one of the earliest dystopian novels. Imagine if the third book of the Hunger Games were written by an early 20th century socialist.
I have this hazy, memory from when I was about 8. I was exploring a peat bog, which was fun because everything was soft and squishy and I could just run around. I saw some weird looking bushes, and decided to go check them out. But, as I ran up, it turned out there were growing over this sort of wet hole, where maybe there was a spring or something. I suddenly fell about 8 feet, and was in this mud pit slowly sinking. Luckily, I managed to grab some of those bushes I’d seen, and pull myself out. But it was very hard, because the mud was pulling me down like quicksand. Eventually, I crawled back out on the bog, covered in mud.
Nobody I was with remembers this, and honestly it might not be real. Childhood experiences are super weird.
I think everyone else already told you this, but never tell your employer anything about your medical history or health unless you need an accomodation or time off. There is literally no benefit to doing this. Especially when it’s something highly stigmatized, like NPD.
If they ask during a job interview, you need to be ready to lie.