You’re in the wrong thread.
You’re in the wrong thread.
I’m on world. Fuck the admins of world.
BRB, performing the pig’s music.
Oh, OK! That’s cool.
Do you often find yourself having to be “actively tolerant” of people’s differences?
That’s not even close to the profile picture shown in the OP. What are you on about?
I don’t believe them.
The extra money you make by being part of the union pays your dues before lunch on the 1st.
One of the many reasons this makes no sense.
Dislike: Tankies.
They don’t drink at all and they think consent is literally impossible after any amount of alcohol.
Dude, fuck these tankie mods. Childish af.
Imagine thinking everyone in China supports the CCP.
I grew up getting “Look it up!” and I still can’t spell for shit.
Wow, you’re me!
Ex-fucking-cuse me?