This groups number is one I’ve seen circulated for calling if you see an arrest happening.
This groups number is one I’ve seen circulated for calling if you see an arrest happening.
I agree there too. I think anyone thinking that it’s an easy task is lying. Forced top down initiatives suck period. They almost never account for the reality of the work because they aren’t looking at it, but instead abstractions and opinions of people looking at the people looking at the people doing the work.
Personally, what makes more sense is an active monitoring indicators of discrimination and have that trigger a real analysis on why that is the case. What presumption of being a man actually makes them a better fit for the role and maybe just include that (i.e. are they able to put enough force in consistently enough to dig this thing)? The other is, is there an investment to be made to make said task easier so more people could do it?
There is a sect of people that miss what the point of “diversity is our strength” which is that people can be better or worse at things or provide new perspectives. If we don’t allow people to do different things or listen to their perspectives there we aren’t getting more out of it
“Merit” is defined by what is measured in most hiring it’s just a preference of the hiring body. As with a bunch of places around where I live, young single women, older women, old white guys, young white guys, and everyone else was the preference order…
Can be good. I ride my bike when I can, but my area IS NOT built for it, so it actually pretty risky. Heck some normal routes for me would probably get me stopped by the cops for recklessness.
I do it with k3s right now on fedora. I like it personally.
Nice thing if you use k8s settings up persistent net storage with something like longhorn is an option too.
Harvester cluster my everything. I really want to play around with having my servers being stationary, a togo cluster (laptops, and UPS in a suit case), and PC all in the same cluster.
Right now they are all segmented rke2 clusters, but Harvester should make running vms way easier too.
Whoops we guillotined a bunch of famers because they had too many assets. /S
For real. I feel like the rich AND powerful are better selectors for who to point some blame for. They by definition have the influence needed to shape the current status quo.
Distrobox. Building weird projects is nicer when I can start from a fresh system each time.
Never got why small government guys would support it where I lived. It’s just the government stepping in to limit the union on behalf of big corporations
To discover and adhere to an objectively moral life.
Right. I will say there is a lot of the US where cars make sense because they use the same roads that farm equipment uses (which does not make much sense to build rail for), but in the cities (and thus the suburbs) it seemed largely cultural from any historical analysis I’ve seen (with segregation, excessive monopolization of passenger rail, and the advent of modern advertising).
Being disabled isn’t a matter of if but when for everyone. Expecting everyone to be able to drive literally tons of metal at high speeds around for ever is losing bet. Heck people with no current disability can’t do it all the time.
I’ve seen Reason speak highly of Japan’s privatized public transport
I drove a car with adaptive cruise and it was cool. Still as stressful as some cities subway lines (learning curve for me and most places kind of assume you know). The monorail and Tesla loop in Vegas were both much less stressful but the loop was kind of worthless (just as much walking to it as there was to just walk to the entrance of the convention center). Autopilot on planes seems pretty decent now too, but the cost of flights and layovers still stress me out. They are really only worth to get to a destination for a while and in a rush.
That said the self driving of a subway would be the way I would go if I had to choose a day to day option. As long as it’s consistent and at most one change over it’s not that bad to navigate.
Any good ghost application software out there?
At the very least a choice. Keep using it as is or get updates related to the new agreement.
On one hand I love this, but also I think your right. ‘partners: alice bob’ in make file doesn’t work right?
Gitlab is actively working integrating AP and ForgeFed into it. ForgeJo has been working on ForgeFed.
I can’t wait tbh. I want to follow a project and comment on releases. @ a projects issues to create an issue in that project community.
Also can’t wait to have one big searchable open source forge. Random git project. Gnome. Free desktop. Mozilla. GNU. KDE. Fedora. OpenSuse.
All searchable, cross forkable, cross referencable, etc.
Dang I wish did more with the Mimic3 project. They have SSML support which just seems like an awesome way to address the mono voice issue in tts for books to me.