elveitie: the call of the mountains
elveitie: the call of the mountains
While i agree with you overall, i’d like to point out a few things.
First of all, “growth” is not a purely human concept. If you believe in the theory of evolution (which I advise you to do), all life strives for (evolutionary) growth sooner or later. That is why saying “humans are exceptionally bad because they spread like crazy” is in itself a false thought - all life does that.
The question is: Is humanity’s rule over the planet justified? In other words, do we have a large enough advantage to all life on Earth that we can reasonably occupy almost all inhabitable land area? What is the advantage that we bring to life?
As i said earlier, all lives ultimately strives towards evolutionary growth. Humans can aid that cause by making life multiplanetary. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not at all a Musk fanboy. But i believe in this single point: Similar to how birds can carry plants seeds to far-away islands, humans can carry all life to other planets and provide it with an essential opportunity for growth. That is why i see it as “humanity has also some very big advantages to life on Earth in general” besides “humanity causes the largest mass-extinction in a long time”. Both are true.
machines, in the future
yeah the phenomenon of bullshit jobs is one of the great riddles of our times
It is because of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall and was predicted as far back as 1880. Now we’re seeing it in reality. The surprising thing isn’t that this is happening, but that it took so long to happen.
If you want my honest opinion, listen to what your feelings tell you. Don’t let people tell you what is “right” or “wrong”, as these are often meaningless concepts in relationships. Be responsible, but also: be happy.
ask for more and i will give.
Uff, i have a lot:
Life on earth is a huge organized organism. It created intelligent humans deliberately sothat we can spread life to other planets. Living beings (plants, insects, other animals, fungi) could not do that otherwise.
All life is sentient. Sentience doesn’t come from the brain, rather it comes from the hormones in your bloodstream. When we sweat, these hormones enter the air (apparently within the fraction of a second) and other people can smell them. That is how we can instinctually know how others are feeling.
Also i have a lot of mythology:
Heaven (realm of all ideas, knowledge and forms) and Earth (origin of mass and material) are a love pair. Because they couldn’t easily meet (there was an insurmountable gap between them), they created a bridge, which is life. This way, heaven supplies the shape (genes), and Earth supplies the body, and these two can be together in this way.
Viruses are books. They have a cover (shell) and contain scripture (RNA/DNA). We humans let them in because they are nature’s messengers and have a specific purpose, which is to exchange some information.
i have that too, a lot. not just when people die though. it is quite different than just a random hallucination, because i get the feeling that an organized intelligence is actually having a plan and giving me specific information.
like, sometimes, i will have a dream that conveys something important to me, and then i will deliberately wake up in the middle of that dream in a way that makes me remember what i dreamed about, so i can write it down.
to make an example, just yesterday. i dreamed that an old school colleague of mine is in some sort of deep trouble. today, for the first time in 6 years, i get a text message from a close friend of his that asks me to meet up.
I thought you were going to say
As a videogames programmer, it is natural to me to consider myself as a character in some video game.
The way i think about it:
The brain has two halves (hemispheres)
The left hemisphere does rational thinking
the right hemisphere does magical thinking (which probably also covers religion)
Both of these hemispheres developed through evolution, because both of them are useful and beneficial to your life. That is why you should employ both.
Also we can see evolution at work when bacteria develop resistance to medications.
Ok so this might sound completely unhinged but have you ever considered before that the fear of being stung by needles might have anything to do with not wanting to be stung by a penis?
Trump doesn’t want to pay for Ukrainian defence any longer because it barely helps the US (after all, the US barely has any business in the Ukraine), and the Ukraine wrongly assumed in the past that the West would accept it as their equal.
Now Ukraine is in a difficult position: Try to cling on to become a “true” part of the west, or strike some compromise with russia.
we’ll see.
we gotta keep trying :)
is my opinion at least
it’s not that difficult, it’s quite obvious that immigrants and poor people have less buying power and therefore create less demand, while probably working harder than any billionaires and therefore create more supply.
i’d also argue that is straightforward to see. i don’t see your misunderstanding?
I can think of a good reason but i’m not sure whether you’re willing to buy into it.
people naturally don’t think of themselves as individuals. people think of themselves as a group/society.
People recognize that under a republican US government, they’re significantly more likely to go to mars and have prosperous offspring. while if they’re stuck on earth, a recession and decline is waiting for them. they can’t verbalize it and probably aren’t even rationally aware of it, but i guess they can feel it with their heart.
of course lots of you folks are gonna immediately chime in and say “nooo i saw a youtube video that explained that it’s impossible to live on mars”, and honestly, you should reconsider why you’re so eager to deny a topic that you’ve clearly not put in as much effort to think about than the people who actually do care about this project. and also, assuming it does work out; what will you do then? be ashamed of your wrong prediction? because if you’re not, that means you don’t stand to your prediction, and therefore the prediction is worthless. i’m not sure whether i was too direct about this and somebody perceived it as rude, but i’m tired of this feeling of being stuck. we need to think long-term again.
You’re assuming everybody has the same buying power. That is in reality not the case. If you remove 20% of the people, buying power only goes down by something like 2%.
do you have plausible arguments for that that could be used to convince somebody of this that isn’t already convinced?
sry i’m too tired rn
maybe another time :D
here’s a short summary:
plants produce life out of the four elements (water, air, sunlight, earth), so they are producers of life. animals/fungus are consumers of such life (they eat fruit) and decompose it into urine, air, shit, and heat/energy. so it goes full-circle.
what, however - you may ask -, is in it for the plants? why produce food only for animals to eat it? it is because the plants get something for it, and that is that animals transport the seed in the fruit around and drop it somewhere far away. so plants get movement or transport from the animals. and that advantage is, in fact, large enough for the plants for it to even bother producing food in the first place. so quite big. that’s not really pseudoscience btw, more real biology done by real biologists, but still interesting :D