now do IP addresses
Let me fall
into the darkness
and become void.
now do IP addresses
and it goes HARD
Can it be stopped? Yes
Should it be stopped? Yes
Will it be stopped? No.
Some people have such a weak presence that most people simply don’t see them.
Ackschually, pi equals four and is therefore rational. Proof:
Note: this is satirical and not actually true. It’s unfortunately a bit more complicated than this. Meme is for humorous content only.
You have to change them?
Because you have to go forward before you can go backward.
I guess it’s a mixture of a lot of things.
First of all, there’s simply a lot of propaganda. It’s difficult to see the truth when you’re bombarded with propaganda all the time.
Secondly, it takes a lot of patience to figure out the right thing to do. Lots of people today simply don’t have that patience.
Then there is a lot of environmental problems.
It all adds up.
Yeah well then. Classroom evolution by selection for superstition at its finest.
Really, it’s up to you. Do what you like to do.
Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust
That’s, while a noble idea, unfortunately impossible.
There’s simply too many languages. In india alone there is a ton of native languages, which have like maybe a thousand speakers each. Like, every village has their language, which often differs quite strongly from neighbouring villages. Same is true in many places in africa.
You kind of have to restrict yourself to certain languages which you actually intend to use. Otherwise it’s just unmanageable.
cheap energy
it’s actually pretty genius. industry couldn’t build something like this.
under 50$ though? idk