Majority of banks a private companies.
SLPT: But yeah go ahead and take everything out. Let everyone know on social media too. 👍
It’s good to be informed and make education decisions I just hope vulnerable people don’t make dumb decisions.
Majority of banks a private companies.
SLPT: But yeah go ahead and take everything out. Let everyone know on social media too. 👍
It’s good to be informed and make education decisions I just hope vulnerable people don’t make dumb decisions.
Majority of everything in the usa feels like a grift now.
Profit/stockholders > people.
I have clients that move to the USA from overseas that see the USA as “safe”.
Unfortunately I have to warn them against getting scammed left and right since it happens to everyone.
It’s got to collect 1-2 months of co-pilot screenshots without your consent.
I hear they are very nutricious 🤔… Everything is so expensive now. So… Endless food source? Shittylpt?
I think they mean “console library”
Looks like this truck as not seen a day of work in its life. No… That’s not a compliment.
I mean if it’s for mostly utility and work I’ll give this a pass.
Also most of the time the a-holes take 2 width worth of parking spaces. Rarely I see 2 parking space long.
When I used to have a beetle I used to park behind super long trucks at major events when there was no parking spaces left… So… win win.
Talk about taking it to an extreme. It’s almost like the whole city is managed by an HOA.
It’s like asking a texan to get rid of their monster truck. Sure they live with their parents and never use the truck for work. But it’s just not gonna happen buddy.
What usa tik tok creators?
It needs to work both ways then. Nintendo needs to pay for all the free advertisement that emulators provide.
Anytime I mess with an emulator and play an old game it triggers nostalgia. I then purchase new software and hardware from the company it belongs to.
This is some shady shit that Nintendo is pulling.
I once sold a 100$ used laptop for 100$ to a pawn shop. Soo… It’s not terribly bad.
I need the definition of pirating since it always means something different to someone else.
If I stream movies and shows using my friends library am I pirating? What if I download a show from my friends library for later viewing for personal use, then delete it a week later since I don’t need it? Let’s assume my friends library was all purchased legitimatly.
When they say car prices are unsustainable do y’all think they mean the manufacturer website one? (Website is pretty reasonable )
The one that when I step into a dealership they add $15000 for the “privilege” of me buying the car from them?
From the dealership mindset I must be batshit crazy for not buying a car from them.
The point?
I see it like this.
Profit profit profit at the expensive of all Americans for 4 years.
The next 4 years let Democrats clean up the mess, Democrats are weak anyway.
Then milk the American people again for another 4 years. The cycle is nonstop.
This is malicious greed but everyone keeps thinking these people are idiots.