Take a small naval mine and just put some balloons on it.
Take a small naval mine and just put some balloons on it.
The corner of the trench likely saved him
In finnish also same but just replace sun with day. No idea about plumbing though.
Finland also has a disproportionate amount of highly successful games compared to the population. I guess one theory is that good social safety nets make it more feasible for people to take a risk starting an indie game studio that might not yield any money for years instead of working for a big corporation for a guaranteed paycheck.
Tasted some hopped cider earlier, could be a fun experiment.
Technically excretion does lower the total thermal energy of the body as it is leaving your body with the excretion, but it does not really in itself cool down the temperature of the body as the temperature is the same as your body (unless you define cooling down as negative change in the thermal energy needed to remove to lower object’s temperature to zero K). Though if for example you drink cold water it does cool your body very slightly and urination could be thought of as dumping of used coolant.
Can confirm, here(finland) every gas station usually has diesel, couple types of normal gas and maybe biodiesel, some have also ethanol fuel
Reminded me of this picture from a satirical book called käsimiehen sotakirja(handman’s warbook)
-camouflage the mines -test that the mines do not trigger from weight under 150kg as shown in the picture
Importing russian oil
You can force a tie by convincing the mob that the black king is also a king so it must be also executed at the same time as you
Im quite sure something like that already exists
I think gathering reliable data in Ukraine these days might be hard due to some events in the last years.
Huge saving could be done with much less dramatic lifestyle changes, for example if people instead of having couple slices of bacon and sausage for breakfast would just eat half of those and instead have more toast or whatever, that is 50% reduction in meat consumption and people can still have their bacon and sausages for breakfast and i think it would be easier to have 2 people reduce their meat consumption by half than make 1 person become completely vegan
We do not tolerate intolerance
For me i only really hate wasps, mosquitos and fruitflies
Black responds upgrading rook into 0-3-0 monkey village
Because the queen is cheating with the other king
It always changes on the day but couple of my favourites are
-corpse reviver No. 2 -absinthe sour -pina colada -bloody mary( with gin instead of vodka and homemade chili sauce instead of tabasco)
en route ~1500km south by air