Won’t vinegar ruin rubber sealings?
Won’t vinegar ruin rubber sealings?
You funny!
Your trolling entertains me.
Are you water? When is 100C ever relevant for you day to day?
Ahahah… When does water freeze or boil? At 0° and 100° Celsius. Much more convenient to remember those degrees rather than the corresponding Fahrenheit.
But it’s obvious you’re trolling. I, mean, I hope so otherwise it’s sad. Because only a moron who has never cooked would ask that.
You just described Celsius, you idiot.
I used to buy engine oil and filters in bulk, then car needed to be totaled. Difficult selling oil as a private.
Not really. The US dollar is taking longer hit rock bottom because other countries are forced to payback their debts in dollars. Eventually all FIAT currencies go to zero.