Here’s mine: (pls send help)
Here’s mine: (pls send help)
Grey aliens are us in the future
They are in the water
and I don’t trust wishthis’ auth.
I’m the developer of wishthis. What do you not trust about the auth? I try to be transparent about everything.
FLOSS developer here. My app’s UI/UX is bad, not because I am incompetent but because I prefer working for money. Its open and if you have a problem with the UI/UX feel free to pay me or change it yourself. Or just wait until I am bored and feel like doing it myself.
I use cinny for desktop and FluffyChat for mobile.
Neither support threads but they are too good clients to pass up.
Please don’t use email for file transfer. Its not designed for that. Upload your attachment somewhere and add a link to your email.
Off topic but the amount of oil we have left is the least of humanities’ concerns right now imo.
Because broken night lights cause issues
I believe everybody uses it wrong though. Technically “Amerika” is the continent. But most people mean “Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika” (The United States of America aka USA)
Downvoting a stupid question in a no stupid questions community is just plain wrong yall.
I like this comment but can’t relate. Do I upvote it or not?
Its not vertically centered, so probably with
Wann digitalisierung
People worried about the economy coming in 3, 2…
But they are. Lobbyism is literally the problem why nothing is happening to further prevent climate change.
* Welche Sprache sprechen Sie?
I dont get the reference but if you must, consider instead!
Sad php noises