Nginx was the easiest to setup for me at the time and I’ve no reason to fix what isn’t broken.
Nginx was the easiest to setup for me at the time and I’ve no reason to fix what isn’t broken.
Not Compatible with what exactly? It works on my 20 year old ipod using rockbox, any modern players should support it.
Since FLAC tend to be around 1444kbps I use 144kbps opus and that makes them abour 10% of the size.
Frp or nginx are both available on openWRT to do what you want.
I use boost and voyager
I’d just host them in a library only visible to mom and members that would want to view it.
Also consider the unintentionally comedic value of such films, they’re sometimes fun to watch just because of how bad they are.
Linux Mint Debian Edition if you find Debian itself too intimidating.
The nvidia 1650 can’t do AV1 but it can handle hevc just fine, I’m currently using a 1660 on mine and before that it was a 950. Unless you need more than 3 steams at a time you should be able to get it working.
You could ask the same about “free market” capitalism, it’s impossible to have a successful truely capitalists economy too, the US is a mixed economy, China is also a mixed economy… Any future “socialist” based country would still have a mixed economy… The issue is not socialism vs capitalism, it’s a question of how much regulation is needed for the economy in order to minimize the suffering of people overall while increasing the average quality of life.
Some things are better handled collectively and with strong regulations; you probably want your heart surgeon to have a medical license, but you also probably don’t want to have to give up your house and life savings to get said surgery, you probably don’t want the plastic manufacturing company up river from your drinking water to just do what’s economically most profitably and dump their waste into the water, but you probably don’t want to pay the price for bottled water to nestle every time you turn on the tap either.
Since you’re on a reading kick maybe look into some of the past attempted creations of liberatian “utopias” and ask youself why anyone would be foolish enough to think that model might work,
I’d suggest to start: A libertarian walks into a bear.
Nitter still works but you’ll get rate limited pretty fast. I don’t think anything other than paying twitter money gets around rate limits.
Oh right, so the NAS you can setup with the addon Samba NAS.
DuckDNS will mitigate your issues with not having a staic IP (alternatively theres any number of DynDNS programs you can look into if for example you already own your own domain name)
Nginx-Proxy-Manager allows you to forward ports based on the domain used to connect so, you might not even need it really but if you wanted for exmple to have an address like mysupercoolnas.duckdns,org rediect to one proxmox vm and mycoolassitant.duckdns.org to reditect to HA you could do that. Or you could just have one DynDNS setup and use port forwarding on your router to handle what ports direct to which VM.
how to access the NAS and HA separately from the outside knowing that my access provider does not offer a static IP and that access to each VM must be differentiated from Proxmox.
HA has add-ons for duckns and nginx-proxy-manager which should solve this… Or alternatively use those things in docker or by installing on your host OS.
is Coral really useful with 3 cameras?
Yes if you want object detection
- do you need a Coral in USB or M.2 version?
I’ve only used a USB, I don’t know how to pass M.2 through to the VM but I’m sure theres tutorials out there if you want to.
- are there affordable NUCs with free M.2 slots?
Can’t answer that one.
- won’t proxmox add a layer of complexity with Coral/Frigate/a Zigbee dongle?
Yes, you’ll need to know how to pass through the devices to their respective VMs.
You should be able to use either without any changes. If you have a problem connecting from another system then it’s likely a firewall issue.
Most likely you lose your home if you can’t pay for it due to being in jail, however having a home with a mortgage and a job that pays enough and a history of paying, will all generally work in a defendants favor in terms of getting out on bail. If the court can trust you enough to be on house arrest then that’s usually better for everyone.
Most things should work with mainline kernel. According to archwiki the OLED models still need steams kernel patches to get wifi and bt working but older models work fine.
Namecheap since I have been using them since the 00s and never had any problems.
Depends on the timing but Pokedex is clearly itself derivative of rolodex so im not sure that would actually work in Nintendo’s favor
PDA was probably the most common during the 90s and I think until iPhones and android, black berry phones were considered PDAs.
A lot of stuff in the 80s/90s used the suffix “dex” (after rolodex) so I could also picture something like “mobidex” or “pocket dex”. Or there was netbooks so we might just call them netdex…
For automatic stuff I use synching to keep my home an documents in sync.
I don’t normally use samba remotely but I have a wire guard VPN that I connect to if I’m not at home and that gives me access to samba or any other “local” services I might need when away
This sure sounds like advice to me, maybe next time just dont mention you are an accountant and you can give advice without being held accountable.