About 15 billion USD per year
About 15 billion USD per year
Thank you! I’ve been trying to get an app to stay open. I thought I was losing my mind. Just set it to allow notifications. Your a legend. I could not find that info elsewhere online.
I haven’t noticed. But I constantly have to forget/pair my steam controller again to get it to register properly in the last week or so. And I did a factory reset.
Im 6 million years old now, and im attracted to literal planets.
I remember at 2000 the hur due jokes. But honestly everyone’s giblets are so shriveled at that age (unless enhanced through mummification etc) that gender becomes irrelevant. Kind of comes down to who has the best stories at that point.
The red bit of an eraser
Check out VRchat. It’s free and frankly what meta is trying to build…but it’s already here
I tried anytype and moved to logseq because in anytype I couldn’t reorder blocks.
Civ V destroyed a week for me. It was like crack. I don’t know how I got loose of its clutches but I will never play that again. It’s like a time portal to the future. Suddenly it’s 2024 and all you did was boot into a game.
Removed by mod
But 20% within 6 years seems absurdly high. Unless 25%+ of the land is already designated as ‘nature’ then all they need to do is not turn it into a parking lot. Still a pretty big ask.
That’s what happens when you stick your deck in crazy… Always dock responsibly.
Don’t install windows on it too, unless you REALLY need to. Just use the Linux desktop environment it comes with and find Linux programs that will meet your needs. It can not edit videos over 1 minute long without really chugging. It works great as a music daw though if that’s your thing.
Adding windows to the mix makes it less stable, and you’ll need to do a special sequence of buttons every time you boot.
+If you do some edgecase tinkering, you may loose your work when it updates.
That being said, I love this aspect of the device and have Windows booted on it. I treat the instability like a fun puzzle. You gotta be into that if your going to do it. +learning Linux stuff is good nerdy fun.
The best tip I have though, is if you are into fps. Use the right trackpad to aim, set it up so 1 swipe from left to right rotated you 180 degrees and set up the LEFT trigger to fire. It’s a little backwards feeling, but once you get it, you’ll never go back. Took me a year before I could comfortably play fps on it. Then I learned that secret and finished the master chief collection with it. There are vids out there to explain it more thoroughly.
Last tip. Smelling the fan exhaust is absolutely worth the health risk 👍
Just a heads up, they released the watch and buds internationally yesterday. They are mostly selling on Amazon and Ali express now I read from an email I got. Here’s the list if you’re still interested https://intl.cmf.tech/blogs/news/cmf-by-nothing-expands-availability
Mine is mostly hooked up to my lounge tv via a dock and using my steam controller. Gets me out of my work room.
Invest in yourself. You may be able to follow an online course in your interest that your school doesn’t offer. Like water color or audio mixing, guitar, video editing, coding etc.
You guys are wearing socks?!
Imagine if they put a fraction of that money into…I donno…actually making their search algorithmically competitive.
They weren’t. Source: time traveler from the future
Nope. It’s pretty new, only seen it on YouTube. But that’s the one I’m digging.
Streamdeck or steamdeck? Streamdeck hell yeah, buttons switch per active window. Steam deck on the other hand, hell yeah. It’s just Linux. Can you stream deck with a steam deck? Never tried.