Almost the same, indeed, we laugh in European with the American prices
Almost the same, indeed, we laugh in European with the American prices
So lomg as you back it up and it does not have multiple write transactions concurrently, swlite works pretty fine even fornbig loads.
Which one?
That happened waaaay before AI though, it’s how clickbait journalist have been wroting for ages.
We have subsidised public transport in my country. Traffic is still a problem.
What if we cannot afford the space of keeping everything backed uo forever? What if it has been a year? Where do we put the limits to “okay, this is stupid” and “this is perfectably reasonable”? What if the action cannot be reversed, and after deletion you need to anonimyze particularly sensitive data?
I say to all that, READ THE FUCKING MANUAL. If you are not apt enough to read and research about the software, you are not apt enough to use it.
Same with hardware. You cut your finger because you didnt follow instructions clearly laid out for you not to cut your finger when using a saw? Maybe sawing was not for you mate
It’s literally impossible. I’ve seen programs ask three times to confirm a deletion, with big warnings, really emphasized. Saying it’s permanent all three times.
Then the fuckers contacted us at tech support and go all like “hurr durr I just deleted my project can I have it back”.
NO YOU LITTLE DIPSHIT YOU CANNOT. We did have backups though, most of the time (if it was recent) but it took well over a couple hours to properly restore, so we only did it if they asked nicely and behaved.
TL;DR People are stupid, no such thing as dump proofing. What needs to be done is hold people to higher standards and force to educate themselves or GTFO.
See, that’s the part that baffles me about Starfield. I’m hyped as fuck for it, since a bethesda space game is exactly what I want (and let’s be honest, aside from the horse armor back in oblivion, their DLCs have been pretty solid with some misses)… but whenever I read people hype about it, it seems like they are expectont a completely different game, made by IDK, rockstar or something.
Can’t believe how long it took to find this answer
Thing is, this is not a commercial alternative, nobody is asking people to come over here (and if they do it’s definitely not the creators of the software). People pushing for people to join lemmy are either users who love this kind of platform, or people resented with reddit over their actions.
I agree that if I were to create commercial alternative to reddit, I should take that into account or it would probably fail. But it is not the case at all.
It is a reddit alternative, just not a reddit clone. There are a LOT of reddit alternatives, and this one is a FEDERATED reddit alternative. In the same way that mastodon is a federated microblogging alternative.
It does not change the fact that it IS a reddit alternative, but again, if someone feels lost or does not want it to be federated, they can go use lobster or whatever.
That’s a you problem.
The fact that you can defederate is actually one of the big, important points of… well, federation. Freedom of association.
As other commenter said, you are free to join (and any other instance). They are independent instances, like different webpages. If the content is important to you, and it is not accessible from here, just join them!
But let’s not blame federated networks since this is exactly one of their sellong points.
How easy is it to setup nowadays? I tried it 3-4 years ago and it was a pain to set almost anything up, even after learning the NixOS way.
I absolutely despise airbnb owners, they drive housing and renting houses to the clouds in whichever areas they operate. Extra guillotine for you.