Also just an fyi that my instance and app display it as pinned (slrpnk and connect). Also my default is to sort by top.
Idk what it means, just figured I’d also chime in with some extra data lol
Also just an fyi that my instance and app display it as pinned (slrpnk and connect). Also my default is to sort by top.
Idk what it means, just figured I’d also chime in with some extra data lol
Okay cool, i appriciate the recs :) its kind of fun knowing there’s so much content to go through & such a huge base of fans
Lol okay that makes sense. Maybe I’ll try jumping around a little more instead of powering through enterprise. Any recs on which to start with?
I did really like it :) the first 2 seasons were great, & i thought the 3rd was a bit overly serious but still enjoyable.
I had never watched startreck and i loved lower decks. I did know enough to get some of the basic references, but im sure some went over my head.
In all i think LD was a good starting point for me. I enjoyed the humor and how it didn’t take itself too seriously.
I’ve since tried another series (enterprise since it’s the first chronologically) and its fine though i do wish it was a bit more fun. I’m hoping I’ll enjoy some of the other iterations a bit more, and am looking forward to rewatching lower decks once I get back to where it’s at in the chronology.
Super interesting review! I love reading about people’s favorite games they have played for decades, especially when they’re niche :)
Yeah the whole process of trying to deal with facebooks customer service has been annoying to say the least lol.
Glad other people also seem to think having it locked is a good enough solution
Lol probably more effort and money than the zero amount I’m looking to put into it
It’s locked so I would have to verify it in order to do any kind of resetting passwords and stuff. Which requires uploading photo id and a video of my face. I don’t really want to do all that, so I’m hoping that it being locked is enough to keep it from being used by hackers.
I honestly just stopped using it so long ago & hadn’t even thought about the account until my sister told me it got hacked. I don’t care about having access to it, I just want it to be effectively useless lol
I tried but they would want me to verify it first & thats a whole process that requires sending them a photo of my lisence and a video of me. I don’t really want to do all that lol
Thus me hoping that it being locked is good enough
No need to apologize, I love seeing all the cool concoctions you’ve been brewing :)
Pcsx2 – it works pretty well, the only game I’ve had trouble running was monster rancher 2
Makes sense. Thanks for the additional info!
I do love games that are essentially just building simulators. For example, I love playing sims 4 exclusively to build and decorate. I mostly found tiny glade lacking in options and customization. Maybe they’ll expand and refine it though & in a few years I can try the game out again :)
Tiny glade was interesting. I only played the demo, & it was enjoyable for a half hour or so, but I kind of ran through everything & it didn’t seem like there was enough content to justify buying the full game or playing more.
I also felt like there wasn’t enough ability to customize different aspects, like I could place flowers but couldn’t choose how they’re arranged within that space.
Did you play the full release or just the demo?
I’ve been playing a bunch of SSX tricky. It’s super old, but I absolutly love it even 20 years later. I’ve been playing on the PC using a ps2 emulator.
I’ve also been playing simpsons hit and run which really holds up. It’s a simpsons version of grand theft auto & it’s just fun. It’s another emulated ps2 game.
Lastly I’ve been playing survival fountain of youth. It’s a fairly recent release. You play as a shipwrecked Spaniard looking for the fountain of youth. I enjoy the base building & exploration – the story line is fiiine but nothing special.
That tech looks super cool & might be worth waiting for, but from what I’ve been reading it is still being perfected and will likely see big improvements fairly quickly after release.
Heres a clip from this article I think is relevent: Teh said the new drives have double the capacity of storage systems using conventional 16TB perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) drives, and this can be doubled again over the next four years. The company is projecting 4TB platters in the next couple of years, with 5TB coming shortly thereafter, and 6TB out beyond the current roadmap.
So there’s a chance you wait for those drives, pay a little extra cuz the tech is new, then have something twice as good get released a year or two later.
It’s definetly a tricky situation & ultimately up to you and what you want. Do you need that extra storage asap, or is it more of a eventually kind thing? Does new tech have its own intrinsic value to you, or is it more about price per terabyte?
Good luck with your decision! I know how hard these kind of choices can be. You never know what the market will look like after you finally make that big purchase.
There are a number of storage technologies in the works right now. However, I think they will result in a new type of memory device rather than HDDs getting cheaper. Kind of like how a stack of CDs isn’t cheaper now than it was in 2005, rather there are new types of storage that offer more memory and longer life spans.
So if you are definetly going HDD, prices are probably not going to get that much cheaper, if any cheaper at all.
I’d say keep an eye out for sales & that will probably make a bigger difference than waiting a set amount of time.
Honestly 100% unemployed becuase we have a good universal income system or something would be great. But sadly it looks like we’re in a different timeline :(
Giant group texts. One has over 30 people, mostly used for baby/marriage announcements. Then a bunch of other group texts for different social groups (stoners, siblings, camping, etc).
I’ve lived in and worked at a number of co-ops. I think they’re far better for the employee than traditional businesses when implemented in a democratic way. Having control over the workplace and direction of the business is incredibly valuable. It’s also important that the co-op members talk to and know eachother. Having lots of meetings and community building is very typical in this type of business.
Also the type of co-op I’m talking about also returns excess profits to the workers (often with a portion taken out to be put back into the business/saved for a rainy day). In this way they are way better than unions, which no matter how powerful do not fully redistribute profits.
I also think worker co-ops are functionally better than worker communes. Co-ops give much more economic freedom to the workers, and side step many of the pitfalls of live/work communes.
Feel free to ask me more about my experiences if you’re curious :)