Being able to launch it locally if you can’t save open or locally seems extremely pointless.
Being able to launch it locally if you can’t save open or locally seems extremely pointless.
This reminds me of the old how to shoot yourself in the foot joke for unix, except in this case…
rm -rf * woke
Pretty much we are a corporate welfare state at this point. Electing officials you think will pass or enforce laws to bring them to heel is your best bet. (People like AOC are preferred, as she has never accepted contributions from corporations to her campaign.)
Some meme stuff, hexbear and lemmygrad basically.
These are a bit unique from the lists everyone else has, I think:
These are the more standard ones that everyone seems to run:
I would absolutely send him an email to the effect of
“Per our multiple verbal conversations, this is just to serve as notice that, in my professional opinion, your refusal to allow me to upgrade a system at risk of multiple security vulnerabilities on a platform that is no longer supported is a risk that you are choosing to accept against my advise.”
with a list of known major vulnerabilities attached if possible.
That way at least if this comes back to bite the company on the ass, he can’t say “Well he never told me this was a problem!”
Let’s do it slightly differently, let’s make the mandatory retirement age for political office the median life expectancy age for the entire country. If the politicians, etc can manage to make everyone live longer, they can hold office longer.
Similarly, take away their separate and different medical coverage and put them on the same Medicare system everyone else in the country has to use.
Browsers love it!
Practically anything you write will execute without all that scope and well formed statements nonsense.
Mind you, number 2 is also its biggest flaw as well, but…
I rolled the sh!t out of mine a few months back (loud popping noise when I went over the front of the foot around onto the side missing a stair) and spent a day limping around but it was pretty good after 24 hours. Still had to take it easy for a couple weeks though. But OTOH I can stand in the sides of my ankles normally so I’m flexible enough this is the first instance of damage ever because the angle was so extreme…
I agree RICE is the way and stay off it if it hurts.
This isn’t technically fully biopunk because space ships and stuff, but the biology of the world in Prospector plays a huge role and I’d definitely recommend seeing it in part just because of how well they did portraying an alien world with a lot of weird alien quirks to it.
I hate this so much. Literally stopped using Perl and switched to PHP to get away from the “Look, ma! I can condense 6 comprehensible lines to one complete gibberish line that still works!” crowd.
I’m not saying I won’t use shorthand if/else format on very rare occasions where you have to do a bunch of different if else’s within your HTML for some reason, but in general, I try to avoid it.
It’s Americanized Mexican, at best. Personally, I cannot stand the taste though, so I’m also not the best judge probably.
I guess this was in reaction to our city in particular, where they have made the new 3 lanes each way major arteries much more curvy to help control traffic speds but still have a bike lane separated only by white paint (on a 35mph street where everyone travels 50mph). The winding aspect has just made it more likely that drivers cutting the corners clip into the bike lane more basically.
Design our streets to be narrow and winding
And with separate, protected walking and cycling infrastructure.
Back to school kevlar sales! Keep your child safe and fashionable!
But more seriously, it is so past time to actually regulate trucks and SUVs. We are here because congress left a “light truck” loophole in their legislation decades ago and never closed it. No other country in the world uses almost exclusively gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs instead of smaller, more efficient cars to the extreme extent we do.
This is the second one in like… 2 months?? But much like gun control, car control is not an option in this country apparently.
The US can be a pretty boggling place to try and bike or walk, yes.
He’s talking about some pretty cool bike infrastructure that they’re at least introducing in ABQ that is pretty sweet compared to when I grew up there in the 80s though. I remember biking down Lead or Lomas in the mornings with no bike lane at all and rush hour traffic trying to get around me non-stop, lol. I remember I felt slightly safer on Lomas even though it was 50mph+ traffic just because the lanes were really wide.
And yet what I really, really want is the ability to block instances… any idea if/when that is coming? I know it’s a thing on Mastodon so it should be one here too, hopefully.
Service as a subscription, for me. It used to be you bought a product and then you owned it. Now if you want practically anything from streaming media to freaking car washes, you have to “subscribe”.