It’s gross when people worship politicians like that.
Also, friendly reminder that Nazis are bad! It’s OK to punch Nazis.
This is a secondary account that sees the most usage. My first account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.
Personal website:
It’s gross when people worship politicians like that.
Also, friendly reminder that Nazis are bad! It’s OK to punch Nazis.
Cost more than any sports car. This could be 10 years ago and he still probably making payments.
Fred Flintstone the place up.
They’re hauling their egos.
I’m naïve. What does this do?
Oh no! I drive a Prius! Whatever will I tell my wife and kids?
I didn’t know I could do that! I live next to a Home Depot. I’ll try that sometime.
If I need a truck I’ll rent one from U-Haul. They’re not that expensive.
Owning a truck? That’s pretty expensive for someone like me who just needs a small car to get around. Also avoids that problem.
Have you considered getting a VPN provider and running something like a container set up to run all the traffic through the VPN? Some even offer port forwarding.
It’s basically free for me since I’ve already been paying for the VPN for other use, and that device would be on anyway to serve Plex.
Very cool but pricey.
My understanding is that the American accent tends to be popular in all kinds of media overseas. This is by no means an expression of American dominion or superiority. However, I understand that for example in Sweden it’s popular to use American phrases during sex.
With that said, I expect the IP address from which your connection originates affects the videos presented to you based on your region.
I’ve seen one that had a front camera specifically added so you can see what’s in front of you for parking the monster. It looks like the dumbest design that’s just screaming how impractical it is for both safety and driving.
Like, maybe if you need a front facing camera to use this thing, maybe this limited visibility is also inappropriate for driving, no?
How are the poors supposed to see my wealth?
And come up to traffic ahead? What traffic? You just keep going!
How do you even park that monster?
Dude, I wouldn’t drive that truck if it was free. 100% would sell and get something actually usable.
In principle, yes, and I believe a few small hobby projects have attempted to do this and support specific TVs. However, interest in developing a custom Smart TV platform tends to get siphoned away into a project where the output from your actual platform is displayed on the TV rather than running directly on it. Simply, it’s easier to develop and maintain support across different models.
Why would you develop a custom TV OS that runs on one TV when you could develop it for any mini PC and immediately support all TVs? You’d have to develop your OS to run on each specific TV model which will make it quite hard to reach a critical mass sufficient to attract attention from developers and users alike.
The juice isn’t really worth the squeeze. It’s not like TV vendors are publishing detailed hardware specs and drivers. Writing or even porting an OS is hard. Look at the state of the Android ROM scene, and that’s about as good as it gets when some vendors are actually attempting to open source their drivers. The difficulty is much higher and the interest lower due to the existence of a viable alternative.
With that said, motivated minds have done it anyway. You just need to have the right TV for it.
I do my best to be the change I want to see in the world and always de emphasize the significance of a vehicle as a status symbol.
I do it in small ways like not noticing what other people drive. Not taking a specific interest if someone wants to talk expensive cars. I’m not trying to rain on anybody’s parade, but I don’t want to give people the satisfaction over something that’s harmful to humans and harmful to the environment. Going out of my way to complement others about driving a vehicle that clearly meets their needs.
In general, I think we’d do well not to celebrate excess. We should recognize enough when we see it and strive for enough.
Maybe I’m being stupid but a trivial way to ensure this is just don’t connect it to the Internet in any way. No SIM card. Cut it off from the Internet after setup, and only connect to a LAN with your chosen services all physically isolated from any internet machines.
I want to mandate parking spots be a foot narrower and a couple feet shorter specifically to apply inconvenience to ridiculously oversized vehicles.