Could be fun.
Long ago, the 118 nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Ytterbium Nation attacked.
Could be fun.
Long ago, the 118 nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Ytterbium Nation attacked.
I have node named pve too. Small world.
That is woke. Banned.
They could be, but that wasn’t standard behavior. When laptops started to become a thing it was realized that having hot swappable peripherals made too much sense to ignore, so some devices had improved ps/2 ports and controllers that could do that.
My daily rider set me back 75€. A second hand omafiets, very well built by a local company, aluminum frame, a super comfy seat, hub dynamo, a rear wheel lock built into the frame + a fairly good chain, fresh-ish tires, a spacious basket at the front and an attachment point for another basket at the back. Perfect city bike. And it was such in great shape that all I had to do was make some adjustments to its shifter and that was basically all the maintenance it required for a good while.
Obviously I count myself EXTREMELY lucky for having stumbled upon this listing at my local second hand marketplace, but my point stands. There are a ton of very reasonably priced second hand bikes that are perfect for daily use as primary transports.
Twice, because usually it’s two sticks.
In any case, RAM failure is rare enough that quadrupling its chances is not gonna make any meaningful difference. Even if it does, RAM is the easiest thing to replace in a PC. Don’t even need to go offline while waiting for a new stick. Someone who’s got the cash to build that thing in the first place won’t be too upset by the cost of another 32gb stick either, I don’t think.
Nukes are difficult enough to detonate intentionally, so no, it probably won’t happen. I mean it probably will detonate, but it’ll just be the conventional explosives in it. The fissile material that was supposed to explode will instead get thrown all over the place.
Yeah exactly. So why make that comment?
The iPhone is stopping them from doing all that, which you’d know if you’d ever used one. The phone’s filesystem does not appear to the pc as a mountable external volume for you to copy shit in and out of it. You have to move the files over network somehow, through a smb share or whatever.
False. It needs to look fabulous. Neon colors and anime liveries and intricate designs. You need those. The engravings give you significant tactical advantage.
Absolutely not lmao. They made an open world game that’s set in the criminal underground of a busy city, but the police was literally unable to drive until a patch several weeks after launch. Which A LOT of people didn’t get to experience because for weeks the game wasn’t stable enough to playable for them anyway.
Podman has a built-in automatic update feature that monitors the source repo. Could be useful for you.
I got fired when the company decided to downsize.
“How is that dumb?” you ask? That happened less than two weeks after I was hired. The boss man’s speech indicated that that was the result of a long deliberation by corporate. So if you knew there could be layoffs any moment, why the fuck were you hiring?
The concept might be, but the word itself is a compound of the words “verantwortung” and “bewusstsein”. They mean responsibility and consciousness respectively, and are both perfectly common and simple words. The whole thing means what you think it does, nothing special.
German doesn’t really have those hyper specific super obscure words, they’re almost always compound words made up of common words.
I agree with the “cars are not stuck in traffic, they are the traffic” thing, but I think it can be unfair when you make the subject people.
I am currently lucky enough that I can take the train to and from work. Never have to get on the asphalt on my commute except to cross the street twice. It’s great. I sit down and it goes. Lovely stuff. This hasn’t always been the case, though. My car was my one and only option at my previous workplace. Way too far to bike, no public transport, so I was forced to drive there. I hated every minute of being one of the many single-occupant cars on the road. I’d very much have liked to not be sitting in front of a steering wheel believe you me, but the city simply did not provide any better alternatives. I argue that I was stuck in traffic because I didn’t choose to be there in a car to begin with. And that most definitely did get on my nerves quite often, and it did make me more irritable.
Yeah yeah people could and should vote for politicians who’ll build that infrastructure, but until those are elected and that infrastructure has been built, there are plenty of people who are stuck in traffic.
It’s probably a typo. The n key is right above the spacebar. I make the same mistake quite often.
You said no weapons, but no mention of armor.
Wrap me in some chain mail or kevlar or whatever, and set me loose. I will rain down an ungodly firestorm upon any number of squirrels. They’re gonna have to call the United Nations and get a binding resolution to keep me from destroying them. I will massacre them. I will fuck them up.
Phones routinely look for specific SSIDs by their names. Imagine you’re strolling through a mall while your appearance changes every 2 seconds, but you keep yelling out the names of 5 other peoole. People will not know who you are really, but they will be able to follow you around because they will know that it’s you who yells those 5 names no matter what you look like.
We were taking a walk by the sea on a cold-ish winter night. Some stupid teens got up on the walls at the edge of the quay and started posing for photos and shit. Just as one of them was in the middle of yelling to her friends something about how not-scary it was up on that wall, two of them lost their balance and fell in the water. It was a big splash. I mean it was not good for those two kids of course, but the timing could not have been more hilariously perfect.
There are esp32 variants that can do ZigBee. It’s very surprising to me that there’s no esphome for those. I’d think that the community would be all over that, but all I have found so far are abandoned GitHub repos. Maybe there’s something I don’t know about the chip or the protocol that makes it difficult?