It’s a problem for Putin, since he is completely losing governments under his direct Influence.
By the looks of it, they will retreat with their hardware, so it shouldn’t be a negative for the invasion.
It’s a problem for Putin, since he is completely losing governments under his direct Influence.
By the looks of it, they will retreat with their hardware, so it shouldn’t be a negative for the invasion.
Considering the compilation videos by the hundreds of Russians self-eliminations, I wouldn’t be surprised at all that this is their “training” material
Japan and EU first comes to mind
Elon could learn a thing or two from vatnik space program
Swiss already dropped their neutral stance. Why start now?
Many… So fucking many such cases… The worst part is they are often celebrating civilian deaths “Xaxaxa Xoxol died”. Complete terrorist state.
Nothing worked for me until Covid came and I’ve stopped seeing my friends who smoked. Best of luck on your endeavour!
Do not fear, for fear is your enemy. But there are quite a lot of great suggestions here. Only one note. If you’ll protest, wear a mask and have something for self-defence.
But as a European I really fear for the possibility of might makes right world. We can only hope for continuation of bilateral support.
If you’re in a marginalized group. I guess a self-defence weapon is in order. People can and sometimes are just animals.
Is there a limit to the size of your primary residence?
I guess it’s by country basis. A lot of places have negative population growth yet the prices skyrocket. It does make me think what is the actual reason in those places
Great build for a gaming PC. For a server it looks odd. Usually when building a server, your main concern is reliability. Everything goes in pairs. Two CPUs, Two PSUs… It gets tedious fast. Often weaker but much more energy efficient parts are prefered, since unused CPU and RAM is considered wasted.
It would be much more helpful if you have a usecase you’re building it for (since now I really can’t comment too much on the build). If your primary concern is to try to have a home server, I’d say go for it. You can always upgrade/downgrade down the line.
It’s facinating to see, that only Lichtenstein seems to have to cross 2 countries to reach the ocean for trading.
It’s probably the same chain of command that issues airsoft body armor to frontline infantry.
We have a saying in our country. “Be 100 gramų ruso nesuprasi” which roughly translates to “Without 100 g (vodka) you won’t understand a russian”
I’m pretty sure, the “danger for health” argument is not just hearing loss.
For a simple example. Try sleeping in a room with noise level at around 70dBA. Your sleep quality will suffer to say the least. In a longer time you will develop insomnia like symptoms.
I have had the exact same idea, ever since I found out about fediverse. It’s just difficult to find ways to trust of the network. Never managed to think of a way for easy self-moderation. Money does bring an insane perversion to try and game the system.
I’m guessing the federation part if done correctly with moderation might bring more trust to the network. Since this is an idea about physical commerce, I’m guessing that having a “store” gps location could be useful for partitioning the network node search priority. Highest chance that you would like to buy from your neighbour and not from across the continent first. Otherwise with the amount of items that will be scanned is nightmare-ish.
Somewhere in the comments there is a mention about dropping crypto as a source of trust. If the store needs trust of a user, it doesn’t sound unreasonable to have your national identity there.
Other source of trust and identity, could be friends. It’s easy to trust direct friends and friend of friend. Knowing that it most likely will have up to 5 jumps, that could be a way to “check” if you are trusted on the network. That does bring the bootstrapping problem
Hope my ramblings will be somewhat useful.
I always imagine them blasting Queen - Don’t stop me now, while hot wheeling their electric scooter