No Dramione? 🤨
He was (and still is) my favourite part of Foundation, especially because his character is original to the show, but his portrayal definitely adds to it.
It’s a type of short form poetry originating in Japanese, which consists of three lines, of 5, 7, 5 syllables each.
For example:
in dark autumn nights / dew and the new bamboo shoots / reaching out to moon
Anyone who’d like to explore haiku (through writing or reading) is welcome in the community
I’ve been through a rage quit and a ‘got bored of not progressing’ quit, but I’ve kept coming back to the game. I’ve finished the game on the normal difficulty, still on and off making my way to finishing it on the hardest.
Slowly grinding my way through Sifu on Master difficulty.
Yes! Been hyped for this since before the release delay. Can’t wait to see it.
I’ve added a pinned FAQ to the community to address/clarify what’s been brought up in this thread so far. LMK if you have any other questions.
(This is what I could find.)[https://albumcovers.fandom.com/wiki/Album_Cover_Game] The base image is copyrighted (and that’s allowed), but the final result is still OC, since the text is supposed to be edited in by yourself.
The fake album game is more of an algorithm to get a fake album through chance (the final product matters much more than the method imo), but it could be helpful for those who don’t know where to begin.
My actual preference is only that the final post show effort. I honestly wouldn’t mind if the base picture wasn’t OC, or even the uploaded picture, if the name of the artist/album and other information (possibly a tracklist or genre, like you mentioned) come together to evoke the unique vibe that album art often has. I didn’t want to write all that out, but some change will be necessary to how the rules are written at the moment.
I’ll probably go back and add something like that for what I’ve posted so far, but in the meantime, do mention what genres you think they might be. It would be quite interesting to see how different people interpret it.
This is the video that led me to actually start taking a hard look at social media (I was already off of Instagram, but that was almost unconscious in that I just started loathing the app), and led me down the rabbit hole that eventually led me to Lemmy!