Well, that’s not really charging, now is it?
Well, that’s not really charging, now is it?
Aw, I really like the art style personally. I do love all the Monkey Islands (though haven’t gotten around to the newest one!), but Curse has such a special place in my heart. I say Papapishu in my every day life.
Not in any particular order:
Curse of Monkey Island
Final Fantasy VII
Stardew Valley
Anno 1800
The Last of Us
The Last of Us 2
Dark Souls 3
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The OP said top ten best. I don’t think “top” is the subjective part.
Legality does not imply morality.
Industrial leather boots last a year tops.
With respect, you’re buying awful boots.
Honestly, I like the taste of cow’s milk. I drink it because I enjoy it. I’m also a sucker for chocolate and milk.
Obligatory https://xkcd.com/927/
I pay for premium, haven’t seen an ad in years.
Fun fact but it’s actually a pretty recent thing for the language in the first place. While first done in the 1700’s iirc, there are Spanish language publications that didn’t follow the punctuation rules as recently as the 1900’s.
Wage theft in the United States exceeds all theft, burglary, larceny, etc values put together.
This isn’t about hardware, though. The experiment was performed on a Switch.
Lego Island… What a fucking legendary game.
You may actually be in the minority. I think it’s plenty normal for people that age to have to think a moment about their age.
How old are you?
Eventually he’ll win or he’ll use nukes.
Thankfully, not even Putin can launch missiles on his own. For one, I wouldn’t expect him to even know how.
There have been nuclear scares before, and the goodness of man has often prevented them. Famously, during the cold war, Russian computers erroneously detected a US missile launch, and despite being ordered to retaliate, Stanislav Petrov correctly deduced it was an error and did not launch.
What five meals are you getting from McDonald’s at one dollar each?
I still don’t understand why this was a better idea than a train.
Morrowind and Oblivion are probably both on my top ten list of best games ever, if not top 25. I used to be a huge Bethesda fan. Starfield is perhaps the most disappointing game I have ever played. I tisk say worst, mind you, I said disappointing. Any excitement I had for ES6 is well and truly gone.
How about both?