Thank you
Thank you
Where’s that quoted text from? I can’t find it on the linked wikipedia page.
One party’s debt is another party’s asset.
So yes, cancelling a debt looks the same as stealing cash in the issuing party’s bookkeeping.
For those interested in learning: (1)
That’s not the goal. But if taxes and regulations make me so, I’ll assume they know what’s best for me
Every year they try to make it harder to smoke tobacco.
Might as well start smoking weed instead.
Group with most weapons takes all, then infighting begins?
Not exactly a direct answer to your question, but on my local 2nd hand website are a lot of pokemon cards for sale for cheap.
I guess they’re from collectors that buy a lot of packs in order to find the rare ones. Then sell the rest at loss.
He cute though
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your treasure over multiple watchman, each holding only a part. Keep a public reputation system for each watchman. Make the loss of reputation more costly than treasure to could steal.
Quit smoking. Vapes and mix your own liquids is cheaper than tabacco or premade liquid/pods.
I like this website for easy, cheap, sometimes healthy, meals
Become dogfood
I’m working on a minesweeper inspired rogue like, in javascript
The best way to engage them is to ask them about their projects. I usually find them to be very knowledgeable, have a lot to learn from, that you can mix in with your more recent languages.
Win/win beats calling eachother bigot :)
People happy with their jobs don’t go job hunting or interviewing.
I’ve always done so every three to four years. Having options makes negotiating wage increase so much easier.
As an example: this exists in Flanders (dutch speaking part of Belgium):
Bet it won’t take long before they have climate parties like the hurricane parties in florida.
It can come from issueing new currency. The cost of that is inflation.
That’s what I’m wonder about mostly. This statement doesn’t occur in the wikipedia page, and seems unsubstantiated. A human or LLM hallucination.