yep. also pretty gay
yep. also pretty gay
do self hosters use Windows? i would have thought most people were running Linux
I use Prometheus and grafana at home because i use it at work, so I’m familiar with it
just like Amazon no-checkout grocery store!
bro, your mistake was eating the beef, instead of whatever the locals were making for themselves. there was always a long ass line for that shit, but it was always the best chow in the place.
still in the dark
the fuck does owo mean
🎵 it’s the end of the web as we know it, and i feel fine 🎵
I’d just keep doing my job instead
how are you sourcing your honey? i want to get into the mead game, but bulk honey is so expensive everywhere I’ve looked
have you checked in the invidious logs for error messages? without your configs or logs, all we can do is guess about likely issues
oooo, GameStation 5 is out? GameStation 460 was so good, i gotta get the new one
I’ve always just used dilute bleach for sanitizing…
Betteridge’s law?
I’ve got a lepotato; let me see if i can get some benchmarks for you
you know this is the selfhosted community, right?
100% true. Or i could offer an interested audience to someone that seems passionate about the subject.
say more words about it
bro, i know all that stuff is bad, but have you heard her laugh? we made a solid choice.
(i hope i don’t need the /s, but Poe’s Law says i probably do)