I feel you, I’ve been super active in a niche community of a game ( /r/ADCmains from League), and even though it was a salty shitshow, I enjoyed it there.
I got some of that fixed by joining a discord, but it’s not the same :/
I feel you, I’ve been super active in a niche community of a game ( /r/ADCmains from League), and even though it was a salty shitshow, I enjoyed it there.
I got some of that fixed by joining a discord, but it’s not the same :/
WoW places. Since some of my servers died, I’m currently only sitting on dark portal (Firewall), and the Stranglethorn Valley server with Gurubashi Arena (Plex), Booty Bay (you can imagine) and wild shore (shared file system VM)
damn that’s pretty genius, although, doesn’t the tin foil or the pocket between the window heat up?
Black Mirror
I actually want this ngl haha
I’m missing pretty much all the “League of Legends Mains” communities, especially ADCMains and SamiraMains. They were one of my absolute go-to subreddits and the only reason I haven’t fully deleted my account yet.
Other then that it’s mostly niche things, especially very niche wholesome fem-oriented NSFW subs
Had a blast in the past, until my GPU couldn’t handle the graphics anymore when I pushed myself to the competitive limits, and shortly thereafter they nerfed the Ares Ion (my absolute favorite ship) and my 10 year old Thrustmast TM16ks started to fall apart as well.
I’m heavily looking forward to getting back into it again once I can up my hardware :3
You should stop refering to middle school biology and check out university biology. And maybe also stop refering to outdated knowledge that’s been disproven.