I am not sure if it fits the bill, but Syncthing?
I am not sure if it fits the bill, but Syncthing?
Nothing a good rewatch can’t fix
If Flint Michigan, the fact that US meat is banned from EU (and other places like China) and all the funky shit CIA has been doing has taught me anything is that you arr probably right
When we learned about assimilation in Geography class my mind imediately went to the Borg
Well there is the word assimilation, so anti- assimilation would be the closest one, however I don’t think there is a word that would capture the true esscence of what you mean. Also patriotic could work, as at least where I live (Slovenia 🇸🇮) it doesn’t have that many negative implicationsv unlike Nationalism
He also got captian in the Voyager alt future didn’t he?
Well I never had a provlem with the “new” Klingons, and TNG kinda acknowledged the Klingon change. And the slight changes to visuals also don’t matter as much. What I was refering to was the change of the technology advancment, in Voyager its clearly states that there were no Holographic techonology or replicators (which I guess was changed in ENT already). The change that botheted me the most was the war with the Klingons. It seems too big of an event to just add in. also the storyline with the screaming child was just plain dumb but that has nothing to do with retconing
Couldn’t that be cannonically explained as Spock being secretive about his past?
Didn’t Leonard Nimoy die 2 years before DSC was released? Also DSC changed a LOT of Star Trek lore, the other shows did not
To me STD, Picard and SNW aren’t cannon
EDIT: In hindisght I should have added ENT to the list but I forgot
Yes if I remembet Quarks mom helped achieve near equality, where women were allowed to do as much as men could
Ferengis judged “Hoomons” for being worse than them. Ferengis never had slavery, and while they exploted eachother their hypercapitalist society was still more fair than ours (if you ignore the sexism)
I mean, its probably a better deal for the studio if tge egimaniac in question only depands a cameo
I thought Garak was canonically bi?
Isn’t Data canonically sentient? The joke would make more sense if it somehow included the ships computer or something
Yes but it makes economic sense only on the routes with top demand that pass through the center or CBDs or other high traffic areas
i prefer cash, gives you anonimity and an easier overwiev of your spending
There is good weird and bad weird, no harm in calling someone good weird. If you really want alternatives: Quirky, Unusual, eccebtric, interesting. However and such word can also be an insult in the right context