To be fair, the video games industry has turned into a myopic late-stage capitalist hellscape, so I think it’s kinda hard to continue to love what’s on offer these days
To be fair, the video games industry has turned into a myopic late-stage capitalist hellscape, so I think it’s kinda hard to continue to love what’s on offer these days
I pushed the largest TV off a window ledge at an electricals store because I wanted to watch the TV, so I put myself between the TV and the window. Obviously I’d never lifted a TV before and had no idea about their centre of balance. Because it wasn’t tied down properly the store was reprimanded and my poor mother didn’t have to fork out. I think I was around 4 or 5
When do the UN start calling out states for eco-terrorism when they delay and build obstacles? I think all the countries who have reneged on their Cop 26 commitments should be tried for terrorism and fraud, with proceeds going to countries most affected by this earth-viability crisis.
Sorry I totally agree with that caveat! I grew up in the ps1/2 golden era and didn’t really get into indie games back when I was into gaming.