I really appreciate how the hidden blade is kept as an OG weapon even late game for all of the entries I have played so far (till Rouge). The way it one shots the enemy if you time it perfectly makes you feel like a master for doing so. The kill streak combo goes so well with this that you don’t even realise you just annihilated an entire army of brutes just like that.
The Emptiness Machine by Linkin Park.
Listened to it for the first time two days ago and kept it going since
This is why […] better
Sorry, what’s the subject of that?
I was just referring to my original question i.e. how I should write comments in my code to explain its working if I have already done so in the code itself
Interesting to see your opinion on how commenting shouldn’t be mandatory. I specifically go the extra mile to ensure my code is readable for everyone, by naming my variables and functions to be as self-explanatory as possible and breaking down long expressions to store chunks in variables. This is why I was feeling confused as to what more I could add to explain my code better, though I must admit there are still considerable complex portions in some of my projects that would appreciate similar simplification.
I believe you confused the ‘how’ of commenting the ‘why’ with ‘why’ of commenting the ‘why’, if that makes sense.
I am already aware of and totally agree with the need to document your code in this fashion for the convenience of others and self. What I am troubled about is its implementation in real life. How does one write comment that explains the ‘why’ of the code? How would I know if I haven’t accidentally written something that explains the ‘what’ instead or anything that is simply redundant? It seems like this portion is left out ‘as an exercise for the reader’.
Asking as a newbie programmer: how do you suggest we write comments that explain the ‘why’ part of the code? I understand writing comments explaining the ‘what’ part makes them redundant, but I feel like writing it the former way isn’t adding much help either. I mean, if I created code for a clock, is writing “It helps tell what time it is” better than writing “It is a clock” ?
It would really help if someone could give a code snippet that clearly demonstrates how commenting the ‘correct’ way is clearly better than the way we are used to.
And here I was thinking I was looking at some high-end barbeque station…
Fun fact: I have watched none of the movies listed here in the comments
Wait, is an old laptop also good enough for setting up a home server? I thought you would require a completely separated and dedicated PC box like the ones you can see in studios or offices. That’s new to me!
That is a great analogy of explaining the broadness of the concept of self hosting that I wasnt able to understand from the other comments.
As a beginner, I would like to start out with a storage provider like Google Drive (& Google Photos). I currently don’t have any hardware for a home server but I can get one as per my requirements.
The biggest issue for me would be the OS running in the home server. I would preferably want something compatible with Windows since I have worked with Windows for my whole life. I am also fine with working with Linux, however I don’t want to spend weeks banging my head on setting up and using Linux before I even start configuring it for my home server. I will be able to handle learning about networkings of the server on the go and troubleshoot problems as long as the OS does not bother me. As with self hosting, I am a beginner in the field of Linux so I don’t know what ‘distro’ would be best for me for this purpose, but nonetheless I will research more about it thanks to your headstart.
I’ve already watched the movie. Does it make the book redundant?
I swear it wasn’t intentional 😓
Truth be told, I have been reading graphic novels for a month now. I wanted to move away from comics in favour of starting to read books, but like I said in the post, I do not know of any books that could provide a similar amount of humor as from the dialogs in these comics, which is the primary reason why I read them, not because of the illustrations.
Can you elaborate on this ‘nerdy humor’? If it is what I believe it to be, I could also enjoy that. I love memes and jokes revolving around complex maths and scientific phenomena that you need to have properly studied in order to understand the humor.
I love the assassin recruits mechanic. I just wish they would let me use more than 6 recruits at once and have them follow me like escorts, but I understand this was a necessary nerf.