Baphomephit. It. ΘΔ&. b '84. Gen. Sec. of Antifa ☭ Gnostic Mystic. Absolute Mad-Lass.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • No, I don’t think you understand it fully. That’s what the legal minorities and children are for. Ask rural folk over 60 if they had a job as a child and you’ll got a Lt of answers like “I worked picking tomatoes when I was 10.”

    The rich get to go to private school, the poor get to sell their children off to robber barons. You would not believe how many parents out there are eager for this too. A good portion of the GOP are abusers that dont really care about their children and if they can force their children to go out and get a job so they can take their paychecks, they will.

    That’s why they are pro-birth and anti-education. This is why we still dont have year-round schooling because “traditionalists” want to be able to make use of child labor.

    If you dont think it is coming, almost every red state has attemptdd to repeal their states child labor laws for agricultural and factory work.

  • Rothbard is the reason we associate Libertarianism with the Right. He’s the one that suggested calling themselves Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists. Before him, Libertarianism was a Socialist thing and had little to do with Capitalism.

    Basically, modern Libertarians stole the term from the Left to re-brand themselves as something they weren’t and to create this guise of pretending to care about people’s liberty and freedom—which they also don’t because Rothbard supported and advised Fascists and had no problem with slavery or indentured servitude.

    The Right loves to steal and re-define terms used on the left.

  • Because there isn’t enough lithium in the entire solar system to actually support everyone using electric cars at least with current technology. Even with projected advancement this won’t happen. We’re going to need better batteries using different materials. We’ll probably get to a point where renewables will supplant the current tech but it’s going to be rough.

    Also, it is very important to understand that we have probably been in the first stages of collapse for a while now. About 30 years. We just haven’t really noticed because the rot is uneven and even as societies collapse they still often continue to progress for some time in various ways. It’s just now becoming evident because it can no longer be ignored.

    As for bikes, it won’t be so bad. We’re adaptable creature and we’ll find a way to make it work. Cities will get denser and greener, but with less cars they will become quieter and more welcoming places. Public transit options will begin to become viable for the majority of people once again. There’s some hope that necessity will help drive a better future. If there is one thing humans are good at, it is adapting to their conditions.