Killer Moses, by Killer Moses
Killer Moses, by Killer Moses
How nice! An actually readable clock on the display. Trains in my city opted to show the time as small as they could, in the right top corner.
Your upvotes tell a different story
Thank you, Major Poopington.
There are some fine meow armors.
Replace the bathtub with a cooking pot and you’ll have your vegetables slide in just like that.
Elon and Musk?
True, but not everybody is built the same. I can imagine someone being so uncomfortable with it, that it would detract from the exercise…
If you use the Google feed in pixel launcher, add the keywords you want to block.
That was the first thing i did 2016…
I approve of the ladder strategy. Work those legs!
I do this and always thought i would be exaggerating. Also, it’s pretty automatic, someone sneezes, i stop breathing until a few steps away.
Drones in all variations.
There’s much innovation in the ingenuity that rises through a fight for survival. In the way soldiers are forced to adapt to the evolving battlefield, there’s a lot being improvised and learned in this war. All kinds of combat drones will soon appear in the lucrative war market and once again the wrong people will profit from all this.
So, the POV of this video is Russian?
First time i see a ground drone doing its thing and driving around.
The fumes behind it and the way it moves, made me think of the miniature war vehicles of the old Godzilla movies.
Get rejected, then see your crush with someone else
See your crush with someone else, then get rejected
The ending of NOTLD is still so relevant today, sadly.
I also loved It Follows. I was already hearing the soundtrack, before i saw the Movie. It made the movie feel so familiar, while at the same time experiencing something completely new.
The score composer, Disasterpeace, otherwise makes game music. This may have added to the game feeling.
The opening sequence of 28 Weeks always makes my heart run, until he jumps on the boat.
I keep forgetting that the zombies are really fast.
The aar is infinite.
Instead of whatever, they send these kids to war