i stopped when he had milo y on and complained about being cancelled. and then it came out milo y is in favor of kids getting groomed and molested in gay clubs.
i stopped when he had milo y on and complained about being cancelled. and then it came out milo y is in favor of kids getting groomed and molested in gay clubs.
I was hoping to a Bentley get bent by a tram
and fucking around with national security, or showing you can and would, is a good way to cut through a lot of it.
well since he failed to learn from it maybe they should repeat the lesson.
i hate these greedflation causing piece of shits. complete and total arrogance. admiral klancy said it best
I thought it was because they used npcs from fo4 but they standout more against the better rendered scenes.
Watching her be a rep for Seattle it became clear she’s about herself and her party above all else. She’s a socialist version of trump, which is the last thing we need on the left.
Unionize everywhere.
Fuck Sawant.
step one would be to admit i have no idea. step two would be finding someone who did, preferably a woman. step three step aside.
youre the most important person in the universe?
mid 90s to mid 00s corollas i know they are different gens there but any from that era are great for reliability.
Also if you have an senior family member, over 55, t-mobile has senior citizen plans that are unlimited for like $70 for two phones.
My condolences. But is that something you think the family would give You since you it was a shared hobby.
A buddy was having a BBQ and I got grill duty. One of the people there was a vegan and I, being dumb, used the same utensils for vegan and nonvegan foods. Looking back it was getting contaminated being on the same grill with nonvegan foods anyway. But I didn’t fight it.
Botulism can kill you, botox can kill your wrinkles.
What’d Danny Ricardo do now?
Yay. Get bent Howard Shultz. Same for you Jeff bezos. You union busting pos.
A faster one won’t exist, fine. what about an oled deck?