Well because we have indecent exposure laws. Hanging your dick and balls out in public is not relevant to cancel culture or fashion.
Well because we have indecent exposure laws. Hanging your dick and balls out in public is not relevant to cancel culture or fashion.
“bros before hoes”
–her own dad
If they want to bring him back for a few seconds and then instantly eliminate him in some painful way, I’d pay for that. But lets keep the Shatner acting to an absolute minimum, please. Maybe he can be in a shuttle with Van Damme and Steven Segal that gets depressurized and ripped apart by some alien creature in the first few seconds of the movie.
Nazis were just one occurrence of the same old fascism humanity has seen again and again. Maga peasant scum dont want naziism exactly, they want fascism where they are the pivelaged group. Interestingly, they seem too dense to understand the distinction and are trying to directly bring back naziism. It displays a lack of imagination. I’d guess that they are being led by someone who wants fascism and is providing a model to them in the form of naziism where they get to play a privelaged role. What those leaders want is brutal absolute and arbitrary rule by a certain small group.
imprisoning dissidents will be a big step. That will mean its time to stop posting on reddit and lemmy.
Is it though? we all claim to hate nazis (largely because of their genocide), but talk about halting a different genocide and suddenly the dems have all wandered off or are staring intently at their shoes.
You think charging them 20 a day will get the rich off the road?
Maybe if you are that poor don’t pilot your personal vehicle
And there it is. That privilege. “if you’re that poor”.
Remind me your grand plan to institute day fines again?
Progressive tax on a scarce resource based on income. Complete exemptions for disabled. Better rates for working poor than 25% off.
and it has an option for low income people to pay less.
You’ve never been poor have you. Its an extra 300 bucks taken away for no benefit, assuming they qualify for the low income benefit, and its 400 fliushed down the tubes if they dont.
OK, but in that case, usually you’d want to send that sort of request to google instead of looking for a lemmy thread of questionable veracity to educate you. I’d be careful what you ask for and to whom you ask, but you do you.
sort of. 50% off after the first ten trips per month if you reach a poverty threshold. Its still a big increase for any poor worker and it doesnt scale up to add cost for the rich bastards. So if you come in every weekday thats 4 weeks, 20 trips. 50% off after 10 trips means you get half off for 2 weeks. So its basically 25% off. Figure 20 bucks a day of new cost, now 25% off, = 300 bucks of new cost for a person who can prove they are in poverty. 400 if you cant. 400 is pocket change to a wealthy person and a whole lot for an hourly worker to start giving to MTA.
It works.
It works for you in your current situation. But this policy affects people who are not in your exact situation as well, and it DOESNT work for them. I know you want to do something, anything, but we need it to be more than this.
How are you going to take an ebike for anything besides a short distance on non highway roads?
And if you are too poor to live near your employer?
They will never funnel that money into more comfortable transit.
Can you explain congestion pricing?
How about you explain how BigFish@'s comment is wrong instead. You clearly have a point to make, so do the work to make it.
Your comment presumes that everyone has access to public transit that suits their needs. Many people do not.
In SF they allocated some extra carpool lanes (taken from the total number of highway lanes) and started calling them “express lanes” instead of carpool lanes. Everybody cheered-- because transit hipstering is a great thing for the people who it actually works well for in our mediocre system. I guess everytone else is SOL. In SF it started out that you could still use them for free if you had 2 people in the car. Now its 3 people minimum to ride free, and the prices crept higher. Now you’ll very often see all non-express lanes stopped with traffic but the price for express lanes high and the express lanes clear of traffic-- that road throughput capacity underused. Its become a rich persons lane, at the cost of reducing capacity of the total system. When it got put in they said the max would be $8.00, shortly after they doubled that, with no max per day. Fees rack up since they charge over short distances. Now I’ve started seeing express lanes on main thoroughfares that arent highways.
Theres a patchwork of diconnected and not well thought out transit systems, with little hope of retrenching them to have usable coverage like NYC has. You’ll end up using an uber or taxi to get to your final destination most of the time, and parking at transit stations is difficult, time consuming, and expensive.
This is not the solution you think it is. It just makes things better for the rich, and does nothing for the poor and middle class. This is like the “clear” lane at the airport security. Once its in, its not going away. Pricing is not in the control of people who have your best interests at heart. If you’re poor, your time is not worth as much as a rich persons. They are commoditizing the hours of your life and many of you cheer for it. Without progressive pricing for this you’re just getting fleeced.
The funds created arent going toward new projects . They are used for road maintenance, enforcement, and debt repayment in the county where the road is This simply frees up general funds that had been used for that before these went in, so no direct benefit in terms of transit projects is mandated.
Regressive tax. Yet another kick in the face of the lower class. Why not a progressive tax based on personal income? It works pretty well for speeding tickets in northern Europe.
Did you respond to the wrong person? I was talking about displaying your cock and balls in public being illegal. Where did this come from?
ok. yes thats right. what are you talking about though? when did we start talking about morality?