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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I’m a software/data engineer, so for work I obviously use a computer all the time. I also have a very nice personal computer but it doesn’t get as much use anymore as it used to. I play the occasional game on it, use it for tracking our budget/finances and stuff once a month, manage my plex server, and do the occasional random task on it that requires things like typing or photo editing. But it’s not been getting a lot of attention since I finished school, even less since having my daughter. Also I have automated a lot of my tasks so that I don’t need to manage it as much.

    My phone is my main device for most of my entertainment, web surfing, news reading, banking, etc. plus it keeps my todos/shopping lists, my wife and I’s shared calendar, my alarms, digital coupons for groceries, GPS… all of my regular day to day task helpers. Not to mention is takes and stores my photos, allows me to call and text people, and gives me mobile access to my cloud files and services. It’s definitely my primary device.

    But I still love my desktop and wish I had more time to do my own work on it.

  • Yeah, but he is also very drunk and uninhibited by that point because his boss keeps pushing scotches on him. He also goes to save his life without hesitation too. So not great, but again, could have been much worse.

    Edit: I just thought about it and, if I remember correctly, he is not present when Stu orders and says he’s very allergic. They decide to order while waiting for Mrs. Doubtfire who had been “in the bathroom” for a long time. So he didn’t know Stu was allergic. Daniel just hears the cook call out the “non-spicy” dish for their table in the kitchen and then adds cayenne to it to fuck with him. Petty for sure, but he didn’t intend to seriously hurt the guy.

  • Ok, so devil’s advocate here. What Robin’s character, Daniel, does in the movie is rash, immature and a bit creepy. But that is the point. He is rash and immature at the beginning of the film. It’s why they get divorced in the first place. He’s a manchild and would rather be the fun dad than a responsible dad and makes his wife have to compensate for him and be the full time disciplinarian, maid, and bread winner. What redeems him is the growth he shows by the end. In pretending to be Mrs. Doubtfire, he becomes a more mature, responsible adult. Not just with how he interacts with the kids, but also in caring for his apartment, doing a job even when it sucks, advancing his career, etc. Obviously he doesn’t mature to the point that he reveals his deceit and apologizes for it of his own volition. But he does end up in a place where he and Miranda can amicably co-parent even as they remain separated, which is a long way from where they started.

    And, in regard to the creepiness, let’s acknowledge that it could easily have been much worse. For example, he doesn’t creep on, hit on, or do anything sexually untoward to his ex-wife, Miranda, after their divorce, something I would not have been shocked to see in an early 90s comedy movie. I know that’s not a high bar, but let’s be real about the common brand of humor from films of the time. His primary crimes are, of course, misrepresentating/disguising his identity to fraudulently get a job nannying his kids, sabotaging Miranda’s ad in order to get that job, and being real low-key petty towards the new boyfriend and mildly tormenting him (the incident with the near chocking was not cool, but clearly accidental.) I personally don’t find those things, in the context of a comedy film, to be so heinous as to render the movie disgusting, appalling or without the ability to enjoy the humor. But that’s me. To each their own.

  • I mean, it was a bad movie and an odd choice for casting, but these things are not his fault.

    On that note, I think Jesse is a good actor, but… he’s not a Lex. Why do we seem to be trying to cast young skinny dudes as Lex and directing them to play him as a rich spoiled manchild? One of the very few things that have me concerned with Superman 2025 is the casting of Nicholus Hoult. Again, a good actor, but I’m worried about his physicality and his ability to be menacing/physically intimidating.

  • So as always, it depends and there is a spectrum. The scum of the scum are slum lords, i.e. landlords who buy property, do not fix up or maintain it, fill it with any old tenant that is desperate enough to take it, will evict someone at the drop of a hat, and constantly charge exorbitant amounts on property the own outright because the property value went up this year. It doesn’t necessarily have to be that bad, but people that buy property simply as an “investment”, i.e. get passive income from people with less money than them to buy property, are leeching off the less fortunate. There are certainly scales of badness to that, but that idea is simply immoral.

    But there are other situations where one may be a “landlord” and it’s not really a moral problem. For example, a cousin of mine had to work overseas for a bit over a year and was put up in a hotel during that time. He didn’t want to sell his home, as he would be returning to it later, but also didn’t want it to sit empty. He ended up signing a year long lease over to a couple students, charged them little more than the mortgage (enough to cover the mortgage, taxes and any minor repairs that may be needed after they left) and returned home to a house that was still in decent shape, hadn’t had any break ins, infestations, or damage from the elements, and the students got some inexpensive housing for the year. No one was taken advantage of and he wasn’t just milking poor people for profit. Everyone won. That is clearly different.

  • No… also for who he was. As the CEO of that company, he is directly responsible for the deaths and financial hardships of many who depended on and paid his company to provide protection and relief from those things. And he did that not just through ineptitude or negligence but through willful action that prioritized his bottom line over human life. Fuck him.