People already filter out ads because they are not mixed in with the video cdns, they come from a different cdn that is easily detectable. If they inermix the ad into the video stream, there would be no difference in the BT stream. Again people are just assuming they give up regular CDN, bt is just supplemental not a replacement, that’s obvious for any 100% uptime website aka server.
As far as ads go, AI is the next tech to filter them out wherever they are, within the video itself. Google does this also when it generates tags and thumbnails of women.
for real i thought all these linux users understood the bitorrent protocol better, especially since it has been ported to the browser now for a while. I think people misunderstood my question, but still interesting none the less. I mean in combination with their CDN, like p2p would only save them bandwidth and storage on largely viewed videos.
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kewl what area
I realize my question is a bad one to begin with, to answer it you have to put people in classes. I looked up the companies with the reenue in the world, facebbok or meta is not even on that list, walmart is #2. Buying groceries and stuff is more a necessity than online services entertainment or not, so that makes sense. Then, I looked up richest companies by net worth (which is made up anyways, revenue is actual amount you’re getting if you take away its “worth” tomorrow) Meta still isn’t the richets company in this sense, but Apple and Amazon are pretty high on the list.
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Manipulation is cooked into the culture where I live. Sometimes it makes me mad, sometimes it disgusts me, but I’ve had to deal with it more often than I’d like.
they made an app for asylum seekers in mexico/central america
you’re saying that the legal system is influenced by the capitalist system that defines most other things in economy. If the your demand is higher, then the supply is more expensive? What doesn’t make sense is that, even though inflation and lower supplies can explain other price hikes, the legal system has actually receive technology which should LOWER its priced instead of raising them. All the legal system (in regards to the courts) is about is reading text, writing text, public communication, and/or hearing arguments, which technically can be done in writing through the regular means or with even speech to text for people who don’t want to talk. All of these tools expedite and make the process much cheaper.
My trick is I usually change the position of the image element itself with absolute positioning, then I cal the width of the window and height, if the width > height, i put black bars with padding and background:black; if you put 100% width, the height is still not guaranteed if u have a long photo, same goes for the opposite. I just cal widths with JS b/c my css attempt was taking too long… lolol
I think the main search engines redirect a lot of traffic to R. Not sure why, but its apparant.
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