There was also a movie called Black Christmas released in 1977, 2006, and 2009
There was also a movie called Black Christmas released in 1977, 2006, and 2009
The 2006 mini series or the 2007 movie?
There’s a ton of movies called that. What year?
Yes. You can barely run them on a high end personal computer.
If you know the line number, the bug is 99% solved
Of course, but I’d still want to contribute to the real world. Luckily my contributions are non physical, so I could work from VR. And I’d have to log out occasionally to exercise.
My mom’s dog always barks at precisely 5:00PM to ask for his meds that he needs to take an hour before he can eat.
He even does it when we drive to another time zone.
When I was a kid I read Harry Potter 6 times forward and once backwards (going chapter by chapter starting with book 7)
Now it’s hard to justify rereading a book when there are so many books on my reading list (and on my shelf) that I haven’t read yet.
Though I have read HPMoR twice because I was going to recommend it to someone but wanted to check if it was as good as I remembered. Read the first few chapters and then got sucked in and read the whole thing.
Naming things in programming is a solved problem now. You can just name it Thingy, and then ask Copilot Chat what it should be called when you’re done implementing it