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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Basically as long as you don’t link your bank account with your social media accounts in any way, you’ll be fine. Basically don’t put your real name on your social media accounts, which no doubt you don’t do anyways. Don’t for example add bank information to say a Google account linked to that social media account.

    The bank only sees the information you provide it, which is where you send your money and where it comes from. A bank cannot rat you out unless you are sending or receiving money from something illegal in your country.

    A government investigating you on say social media might try to obtain information about your account to eventually tie said account to a real person. For example, you might use a Gmail to sign up to a queer site, and that google account might have bank information if you have Google bank information. Then the government will use said bank information to identify you. Just don’t put your bank information on anything linked to your social media accounts.

  • The problem with debunking is that it is inherently boring and an inefficient way to learn. To debunk something, first you have to explain the nonsense to the audience (which is ultimately pointless, especially if they haven’t heard the misinformation before), and then you go step by step providing accurate data.

    Itll always be more interesting to provide the correct accurate>!!< information in the first place, because then you can control the narrative that is used to provide the information instead of being forced to conform to the narrative of the misinformation.

    A clear, non sarcastic debunk is simply 50% explaining nonsense, then 50% a list of correct information. And a list is boring. That’s why all the debunkers inject personality into the debunks, because that’s the only way to make it interesting and entertaining.

  • People are going to recommend specialist or convincing them to get hearing aids and what not but that’s just not it.

    Growing up, my grandad lived with us. And he’s exactly as you describe your parents. Deaf and stubborn but refusing hearing aids. Having temper tantrums, etc.

    The way to deal with it is honestly to be firm and to set hard boundaries. But at the same time you’ve got to be able to redirect them and sort of distract them by allowing tolerable BS so as to avoid really destructive bs old people can do.

    For example, my parents would indulge my grandfather in his doctor shopping medical bullshit. They’d let him go to different doctors about his diabetes and general age related illnesses and change meds. Inconvenient to take him to clinics and fill his ever changing prescriptions but better than him constantly bitching about his partly imagined health issues to us and to the rest of the family and doing his oh misery is me, nobody cares for me bullshit. We could always deflect by saying you just went to the doctor last month or last week.

    We wouldn’t let him drive at all. When we moved him in with us we made sure to have his vehicle left at his house in the ghetto. Not driving was a hard boundary. My grandad was prone to getting confused, had poor eyesight and was hard of hearing. So when he’d demand to get his car or want to go off somewhere on his own, we’d always deflect. We’d offer to drive him or offer to do whatever bs menial errand he’d decided was massively important. However, you have to make sure it’s at your own convenience. You can let them take over your life like that.

    When he’d get upset at something or other like politics, you’ve got to listen and let it go in one ear and out the other. You can’t let your emotions outwardly match theirs. The same way a parent would grit their teeth and flatly respond to a 6-year old child’s bullshit, you got to deal with the elderly. You cant be screaming, if they are screaming, it just escalates. You listen, you don’t take it personally, and you deflect from that topic as quickly as possible. You tell them, you’ll look into it, you’ll try. Maybe later. Maybe next week. Oftentimes they’ll forget that shit anyways.

    Oh and finally, make sure they don’t hold any actionable power over you. Like financial power or ownership of the car or house that you use or live in. An old person can be very vindictive and will use it to abuse you if they can. For example, my grandad, had a bunch of money sitting in the bank on account of being a massive miser and offered it to my parents when they were buying a house and stuff. They never took it. My aunt did and still regrets it. He was real mean to her about that loan. It’s just not a good time.

  • I think it’s like the difference between Van Lifers depicted in Close Zhao’s Nomadland who work real jobs to get by, who got into it by necessity, and continue for the love of the freedom and community vs Instagram van lifers in 100K Vans, with nebulous but seemingly unlimited sources of money, whose only job seems to be influencer marketing, and selling a blatantly Disney version of Van Life to the masses.

    And this dichotomy exists in so many atypical lifestyle categories. On sailing YouTube you have people go about in new and luxurious sail boats they bought outright which they learned to sail at sailing camp, vs some person in a smaller boat from the 60s, that they just figured it out how to sail, who does their own repairs the best they can and doesnt spend 2 grand a night for a marina spot and doesn’t ship their boat across the atlantic and instead struggles across the passage on their own.

    Maggie Mae Fish did a whole video on the same phenomenon amongst off grid influencers. One group flies in supplies by helicopter and the other built their own cabin and upgraded it with money they scrounged up from what’s left over from their actual jobs.

  • That census just confirms the stereotype of the average burner being the most annoying person ever. Overwhelmingly non-religious but also overwhelmingly ‘spiritual’.

    The second largest political group behind democrats (~50%) are non-politicals (only double digit percentage), aka people who are disinterested in politics cause it doesn’t affect them, so they don’t care (let’s be real cause they are overwhelmingly rich, college-educated, white, cis, and straight).

    It’s definitely the group easiest to judge negatively, and being stuck at burning man is likely the greatest challenge they’ve encountered in their life and the cherry on top is that they’ve paid thousands for it.

  • I think Andy Weir basically revived the Victorian adventure story genre. Robinson Crusoe is the most famous book in that genre.

    But The Wager by David Granny a nonfiction book about a real life wreck and how the navy sailors survived off the coast of Patagonia.

    In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick is also non-fiction in the same vibe about a group of sailors lost in the Pacific after a whale sinks their ship.

    The Terror by David Simmons is also another lost at sea book but fiction with a supernatural element set in the arctic based on a true story.

    Alone: A Classic Polar Adventure by Robert Evelyn Bird is a first hand account of his failed attempt to survive alone over winter in Antarctica. It’s absolutely harrowing.

  • Because it gives powerful people permission to do whatever they want, everyone else be damned.

    Both of the two major Longtermist philophers casually dismiss climate change in their books for example (I have Toby Ord’s book which is apparently basically the same as William Mckaskils book but first and better, supposedly). As if it’s something that can be just solved by technology in the near future. But what if it isn’t?

    What if we don’t come up with fusion power or something and solving climate change requires actual sacrifices that had to be made 50 years before we figured out fusion isn’t going to work out. What if the biosphere actually collapses and we can’t stop it. That’s a solid threat to humanity.