Is that the one with the wine coloured sea…?
Is that the one with the wine coloured sea…?
Worth remembering that Putin practically grew up in the KGB.
A screenplay is part of (the process of making) a film. It’s not an independent work.
The only heptapod killed in the film was killed by Americans…
The original short story is called Story of your life, as from the point of view of Banks narrating it to her daughter.
No love story, no daughter, no Story of your life.
I suppose you could still have a story about aliens, and the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, and bootstrap paradoxes, but you wouldn’t have this story, and probably wouldn’t have the same emotional impact.
It’d be like taking the war out of Slaughterhouse-Five, if we’re staying with the aliens and alien-related psychic time travel theme. Or the air out of a balloon.
genuinely one of my favourite original sci-fi movies I’ve watched in the last decade
Ted Chiang’s Story of Your Life won a Nebula for best novella and a Theodore Sturgeon award, and was nominated for a Hugo for best novella.
Yeah, it’s pretty good.
I’m from Belgium
No you’re not. Everyone knows Belgium doesn’t exist, especially Belgians.
Sid Meier, obviously.
Not really, it’s just free publicity.
Unless their product is shit, of course, and no one would pay for it after trying or recommend it to others… in which case, fuck them, they deserve it for attempting to sell shit.
I remember when eDonkey and later eMule were brand spanking new… It took quite a while for BitTorrent to gain enough traction (and for me to get fast enough internet) for it to be better… (and, frankly, I still miss eMule’s Kademlia network’s peer to peer search capabilities…)
Having a child is morally equivalent to aggravated murder (you’re intentionally directly causing that person’s death, as well as decades of pain and suffering), so no, breeders shouldn’t be treated differently than any other murderer (though they probably aren’t more likely to murder an already conceived person than the average citizen, which isn’t saying much).
Of course some people might adopt, and therefore are merely enabling murderers, but they’re statistically insignificant, so I’d say it’s safe to assume that anyone who has children is either a murderer or a child trafficker.
In any case, no, fuck them, they might deserve to be treated differently, but definitely not in a positive way.
WizTree scans my entire drive
It doesn’t, really. It’s already indexed. It’s a feature of the NTFS file system. It’s the same way Everything Search can find files almost instantly, and what Windows Search used back when it worked properly in the Windows XP days.
Why Microsoft stopped using that and switched to whatever the current useless search function uses escapes comprehension, though it probably has something to do with them wanting to shove Bing results and other spam in there.
That’s the neat thing: you don’t. You leave your silly contraption at home, walk to the bus, and take a seat like a civilised human person.
(Or so I would like to say; the amount of times I’ve been on a bus and the driver has had to tell the second cyclist that they couldn’t get in the bus because the first one was taking too much space is also way too damn high; as I said, cyclists have absolute disregard for public spaces and utilities, and anyone else using them.)
No, the bike lanes are perfectly fine (probably due to lack of use), they would just take one or two seconds longer to get to wherever the cyclist wants to go, so any pedestrians in the straight line between there and the cyclist better watch out, because ringing the bell also costs precious time.
In public transport, like civilised people.
Vehicles belong in roads.
And roads don’t belong in cities.
As a pedestrian the amount of times I’ve had to jump out of the way of a cyclist that was using the sidewalk instead of the bike lane, without using any kind of light, reflector, or bell to at least make themselves noticeable, is way too damn high.
It’s not just that most cyclists are maniacs with complete and absolute disregard for anyone else using public spaces, it’s that they often seem to actively intend to harass and possibly harm everyone else in their vicinity.
I absolutely despise cars, but cyclists…? Cyclists I’ve learned to fear. At least drivers are required to have a license, and face legal consequences when they misbehave.
I dream of the day all forms of wheeled vehicles, no matter the amount, will be banned from cities and any other places frequented by civilised people (unless they run on tracks; trams and trains are tolerable as long as they are electric and proper barriers are in place to prevent them from causing harm).
Still way too green or even yellow for any healthy human person, though. Definitely some serious liver or kidney issues.