Shockingly common in England currently. There’s a scheme to change roads near schools to pedestrian only during school hours but it’s getting loads of push back from the Range Rover brigade.
Shockingly common in England currently. There’s a scheme to change roads near schools to pedestrian only during school hours but it’s getting loads of push back from the Range Rover brigade.
Cleaning up affixes and deleting a lot of them. Changing loot so less drops of higher quality. New tier of legendary affixes that can’t be imbued onto other gear. Legendary and uniques are tradable. All affixes go into codex. Codex affixes can be leveled up. Rework of the upgrading system to 12 tiers with new mats. Uber Andy. Level 200 Uber bosses. Lots of skill reworks they haven’t spoiled yet. Mid may release.
The meaninglessness is still there. What I suspect is the biggest difference is the headspace surrounding it. If there’s not inherent meaning to life, then that frees you to create your own with your own goals and desires and whatnot. If there’s no inherent meaning, then any meaning we as humans come up with for ourselves is the meaning. For some people, that’s religion. For some, it’s taking care of their loved ones. For a few of my friends, it’s to play as many video games as possible. For others, it’s to work as much as possible. The beauty of it is that they’re all right, the meaning of their life is what they make of it. You are what you repeatedly do.
Single person instance hoster here! I love that I know what service I’m interacting with, I control what that instance does and chooses who to federated with, and I’m unlikely to get defederated due to some other idiots bad comments or brigading.
For me, the biggest benefit is the mental load I no longer have. I used to have to think about maintenance, MOT schedule, road tax scheduling, insurance scheduling, renewing my parking certificate, how much I drink, where I’m going to park, did I run out of time on the parking meter, is there traffic on my route, where are the road works…
The mental energy I’d waste just to deal with a car was massive. There’s still mental energy with public transit, like what is the schedule and which bus do I need to be on to make it in time, and what do I do if a stop isn’t near my destination, but it’s a lot less mental load than having a car.
Before the upsert, do a select where the result is optional. Then if_some() it was an update, if_none() it was an insert.
Looks like the on_conflict is on the ap_url, so I would use that as the key you’re trying to pull in the select.
Box + peanut butter is top
This is also similar reasoning and why I went with a mikrotik router. All the functionality I need, none of the bullshit, solid performance for price. Only downside is the setup isn’t trivial, but if you’re comfortable on the command line, it’s a breeze.
Lol love the downvotes on the most NCD response in the thread
Just like the old public email lists or Google groups or something, I just wish discord was searchable and indexable so badly
I’ve been getting into Fava, it has a plugin called fava-envelopes that mimics the envelope style budgeting of my one true love, YNAB4, but with the strength of double entry accounting as well. All docker composable as well.
That was my experience using robo advisors too, like betterment. I had so many buy and sells I had to mail my return in on paper, it sucked.
I have such high hopes for London, their cycling infrastructure has been getting better I er the years, but then I go to Paris and just cry at what is possible
I bought one, it was called the CWWK AIO-T6. Six bay, n5105 based in a nas form factor. Absolutely excellent, runs unraid well. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like CWWK sells it anymore… I got it for £329 with I think 16gb of ram and a 1tb nvme ssd on AliExpress.
I’m assuming Google takeout will allow you to export them since Google now backs them up for you, but I haven’t tried.
I played necro this pre season, tried all the builds. Is there a rogue build that is relatively tanky but still the stupid high DPS we expect to see from rogues?
Absolutely same here, though it’s also ruined my ability to use gnome or KDE or really anything else too…
I’m sure you’re allowed to impose legal conditions on your data, but the AI folks have very clearly shown they don’t care and would prefer to just fight it out in court years and years later, if ever.