But the blue smoke kinda smells good
But the blue smoke kinda smells good
So basically, go for it?
The chandelier really ties it all together
Get your shut together and stop fucking up
I love that you asked this question. I like trees I can climb :-)
Because capitalism best system ever! Its not a home it’s a commodity bundled into a debt instrument giving greater returns to investment banks like Blackstone than anything
Dean of the philosophy department asked me that when I said I wanted to major in it. My reply was ‘well I was going to major in business…’
But seriously I think it was reading. I read a lot, Dostoyevsky, Joseph Campbell, Siddhartha, Sartre. Funny how I ended up in computers with a philosophy degree. My other friend with a philosophy degree is a data scientist at a large blue chip.
Valis is the best
The Fan Man
Stockholm syndrome
Abbie Hoffman. He rained dollar bills down on the NYSE floor and trading literally stopped. He used comedy and shame as a weapon against the ruling class, and had balls of steel.
I love him as well. Such an inspirational guy
The anti war movement against the illegal war on Iraq was the biggest mobilization in history. Millions of people all over the world tried to stop the war but we’re ultimately unsuccessful. Which brings us to a bigger question, why don’t we the people have political power. I believe it comes down to greed, and capitalism. How can we stop these wars? The genocide on Palestine? The only weapon we have is to withhold our labour. Organize, unionize and strike.
Cradle of civilization. Brilliant art math and architecture. A total victim of countless imperial aggression due to its resources. Will never forgive what the US did and the fighters in Fallujah were heroes.
I wish I could go there and meet people
Of course I know him, he’s me
The contradictions are getting more pronounced. Keep wages low! Why aren’t they buying our stuff?
It’s gonna be barbarism isn’t it
If France was the bad guy we would label this as an authoritarian regime that needs to be sanctioned and or color revolutioned
Thanks for the advice. Do you have any software recommendations?
I liked the storyline in RDR2 quite a bit
[peels back t-shirt to display neck tattoo]