That one cat ready to kill if he makes even the slightest wrong move
That one cat ready to kill if he makes even the slightest wrong move
Woosh was all he heard
Trump level of confidence right here
Some times someone’s clever joke can have unforeseen consequences. There must be a razor for that. Or at least a xkcd comic.
My former company had a .bb domain for internal services because it rhymed with the name. We had constant outages whenever a storm was hitting Barbados…
It’s not for no reason. Russians are breaking transit agreements, and they only get a slap on the wrists
That’s how Ukranians pasted several Su-34s and Su-30s this summer. They had to set up ambushes where they expected orks to attack, taking the launchers very close to the front.
Warhead on that thing must be huge
Yeabat == fuck
Gonna have to try a little harder, comrade
It was very quick of you guys to get new accounts… gotta keep shilling for the kremlin gremlin, amirite?
Russians are starting to panic as their distilleries keep blowing up