but weed can hurt you. it wont always. maybe it is unlikely even. but it can. same with reckless driving. if it were 100% chance u would die, people wouldnt do it.
but weed can hurt you. it wont always. maybe it is unlikely even. but it can. same with reckless driving. if it were 100% chance u would die, people wouldnt do it.
okay. i suppose a more similar comparison would be the police distributing laced weed (or other drugs, if weed is legal where u live). it only hurts the druggies who are reckless enough to take drugs, right ?
you are also forgetting the fact that a painted bin will still be an inconvenience for the well-intentioned driver. you arent making it better for them. you are only making it detrimental to those who dont react in time.
Actually, I agree! We should also shoot dead drug users and lowlifes… otherwise they’re going to hurt someone eventually!
the ‘conditions’ dont include a maniac camouflaging dangerous objects to purposely make innocent people crash.
you realize that not everyone is as healthy/strong as the average man. do you really want an elderly person or a chronically ill person subjected to a head on collision ?
sorry this was a joke mocking conservatives who preach freedom but support jaywalking laws. i should have made it more clear.
restricting where and when people can walk in in a public space? sounds like communism
*indirectly named after an animal…
will you serve free as in free beer ?
you, sir, have just won the internet!! 🤣
sounds like a you problem… banning it for everyone else is not the answer
u want to outlaw chickens ?
and we dont talk about their half cousin Objective
parents are Mr and Mrs C. and C. Plusplus
original text:
which should show as:
though the gif doesnt load for me either
mood, not tense, no ?
no. teach them about the dangers of porn and other dangers online. ban porn from their devices. if you make porn out to be this unspeakable horror, it only leads to a natural curiosity which can lead to an unhealthy relationship with it or even sex in general. please note that i am not advocating for actively allowing minors access porn, nor do i encourage anyone to access it themselves. a phone can be a tool, and tools come with inherent dangers. teach your kids like you would with driving a car or not eating junk food.
you realize most kids will still find a way, even if you tell them not to ? its better to actually educate them. which is the point of parenting; not just to restrict what they are allowed to do.
as a side note, i think the way most people are introduced to the argument is by their parents when they are young. the parents are simply trying to get their children in the habit of considering others’ needs, while also saving their own money. especially since most of the time the kid actually is hungry, but just doesnt want to eat vegetables or whatever. if someone (irl) is arguing the starving people card to you as an adult when u are wasting food, then that is less reasonable: though they have good intentions, i agree it is not all that impactful on those hungry. but again, every bit counts.
erm 13! ≠ 25